Good morning and thanks for swinging by for the latest on what's going on in Media, PA. I'll make this short this week as the 55 degrees we expect today should provide more inspiration than I can provide on this site. And that's a great thing!
A few things:
- I'm not getting into the whole snow removal situation that has been on people's minds lately, but I will say it comes down to lack of awareness, which is subsequently a lack of leadership. This is nothing new for Media.
- Is Media, PA a Tech Hub that no one knows about? This could be a tremendous opportunity for Media and the surrounding area. Matter of fact, tech does like Media. Something I'm doing a bit more research on in the coming months.
- The Picasso burger has reigned champion in this category for years, but as of last night, I think we have a winner that takes the crown. Because of my diet, I can't eat out at many places, but in a moment of weakness, I ordered a Sligo Burger last night that was out of this world. Even the lonely pickle that accompanies these types of platters was fantastic. (Yes, the pickle was that good.)
Today's motivation brought to you by Apple Radio. Sit back hit the blue button on your Keurig....It's Media in Two Minutes!
ATM SPOTLIGHT! Media Youth Center
With a large variety of sports kids can choose from these days, and competition from other activities and gaming; pressure continues to mount for clubs like the Media Youth Center. At one time MYC was the center of youth activities for the community. These days it's challenged to remain a viable youth center that a lot of us who grew up in this area remember fondly.
The MYC will be hosting a few upcoming fundraiser, so stay tuned.
Last Sunday of The Month Means MEDIA VFW Breakfast
It's the best breakfast in town! All you can eat for $7. They have made to order omelets and plenty of parking.
The Future of Community Libraries?
An interesting discussion on what communities are doing and considering for their local libraries. Here's the article from the WSJ
Bridge Bogged Down by Four Inches!
It's true, the bridge in question is being bogged down literally by a resident that grows to
I'm not slow, I just take my time. |
First Media Patch, Now Media Fig?
At about January of this year, Media Patch essentially let go of their well liked, local editor, Courtney Elko, which consequently spelled the END for this local news site. You can still visit patch, but it's nothing more than a regional aggregation of news, which doesn't do much for Media.
Looks like Fig Media may be making plans to depart Media too. I've heard they are now selling ads in this location to be included in their next ad/magazine in West Chester, not Media. What substantiates this further is that they've taken their Media Facebook page down.
Perhaps a re-org? This was a business in the past that received somewhere around $7,000 from MBA for what I guess was a service to promote this town. I thought their presentation and photography was great, but it didn't provide the PR strategy this town really should be pursuing for that kind of $.
Is it time to say, "Timber" on E. 2nd Street?
I spoke to one resident on E 2nd Street who wanted me to know that her family, as well as her neighbors have about had it with the falling tree limbs. Apparently people on this street incurred quite a bit of damage and power outages from the recent storms. I don't like to see trees coming down, but I understand their situation and agree with them.
Media should really see what's involved with selling the wood from these trees to offset the damage they can cause to sidewalks and property. Mature hardwood milled properly can command an impressive price in this area.
This is what 4am sounds like
You know what a front-end loader sounds like at 4am? If you live on State Street you certainly did this week. Here's a video from a resident who wasn't to happy about the loud work being done at 4am.
I know this work has to be done, but two things here: 1) As a courtesy, Media borough should have let businesses and residents know about this work (i.e. Social Media) 2) Having started a 6am would have been more reasonable considering this type of work was being done throughout the day anyway (i.e. Front St).
Media borough can't seem to agree on a date to mail out a letter, so no one should really be surprised with the lack and timely removal of snow this year.
Apartments Not Likely for GRM
I imagine there will be a lot of information coming out in the next few months regarding plans for GRM. One update I've learned is that the site may now not include the two Apartment complexes as outlined earlier this year. These were suppose to be individual units costing around $1,800 per month, but looks like zoning may be a problem.

11 Bids Later....
Because it's on the next street over from where I live, I was interested in taking a look at this house. More curiosity than anything else, but I thought I had plenty of time to check out a walk-through. Turns out I was wrong. This house I heard had 11 bids and was just recently sold in the last few days. I know the family who bought it and look forward to seeing their plans to make this a stellar house on 5th St.
The less housing at Granite Run and Franklin Mint, the better off we'll be. There is a ton of available housing inventory in RTMSD, so we don't need to add to the school tax burden by potentially adding more homes with more children. Adding businesses to the already developed Granite Run site is 100% the way to go.
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree with you in theory regarding residential vs. commercial, the residential 'plan' so to speak for GRM was apartments only marketed to the upscale urban single with much less of a potential to incur masses of school age children. In contrast - how many have taken a good hard look at the work of art Media is touting as their new 'comprehensive plan'? Run down that section including construction of 'affordable housing' (translated: section 8), and promotion of animal husbandry? Allowance (by ordinance, no less) the possession of rabbits and chickens? Come on folks, wake up and smell the slow takeover of the entire borough by the FROGs and their leader Mr. Davidson. 'Buy or lease the VACANT Nativity BVM building'...last time I checked was a day care center and oh, I didn't know the archdiocese was interested in selling........who is going to pay for all this?????
DeletePlus Media doesn't have any new, sleek, edgy apartment buildings. Granted, this isn't Center City, but still something along those lines would be perfect in town. I mean seriously, the stodgy mid 20th century apartment buildings in and around town are so lame. For example, the ones on State Road, over by West Jefferson and Orange Streets and by the train station. Those apartment complexes are being milked beyond belief. It doesn't exactly convey the feel an edgy, hip town a la Conshohocken or Collingswood, you know what I'm saying.
DeleteTM - Your comments about snow removal are an insult to the public works crews who have worked so hard to keep our community safe during one of the most severe winter seasons any of us can remember. While I generally agree that our elected leaders leave something to be desired, I don't think uneducated criticism of the public works crew is appropriate.
ReplyDeleteMedia has excess salt. Every town in the Northeast has run out. Perhaps Tedman's criticism has some justification.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused. Our challenge was the snow piles, not the ice. What difference does it make how much salt we have left?
DeleteExactly! What does the salt level have to do with anything? It's untrue to think every town ran out..must have read that somewhere without actually looking into it before speaking..Figures!!
DeleteI am sad to see the Media Patch go and enjoyed trading stories with Courtney, I'm happy that this blog is still around however as you've always provided a more 'local' approach that their cookie cutter template. It would be nice to see this blog evolve up to a Ning and do something similar, but I know that requires a lot of money and time.
ReplyDeleteTwo other comments on this post:
1) I'm very keen on your research into Media as a technological hot bed, it's not yet true but it's getting there. As a professional online marketer, working out of the Rose Tree Business Center, I'm always interested in learning about local talent.
2) Wimpy's does the best burgers in town, period. They may be a chain, but they're quality is unmatched. Sligo and Picaso's trade flavor for fancy buns and toppings, while Wimpy's simple combinations don't need to stand on ceremony.