Monday, May 8, 2017

The Story No One is Talking About

Johnson and Johnson winning the Lawn Sign Campaign

Primary elections are typically quiet in Media, but this year will be quite different.  If you're wondering why the Johnson and Johnson signs are popping up throughout the borough, well you're not the only one.

Apparently, a rift of some sort has fractured the Media Democratic party over who are the worthy candidates who will be chosen in the Primary Election May 16th.  As posted a few weeks ago, a letter was circulated within Media citing the displeasure a group of democrats had with the nomination process of candidates.  They felt Amy Johnson and Lisa Johnson (no relation) were not fairly given a chance to be selected for re-election.  Conversely,  the Media Democrats, through literature they were handing out yesterday, basically addressed the issue as indecisiveness by Amy and Lisa, and therefore moved forward with different candidates.

There's always as a story behind the story, so I'm sure it's much more involved than "indecisiveness." Amy and Lisa weren't on the fence yesterday as they were going door-to-door campaigning while their yard signs throughout Media are much more committed than their opponents.  Meanwhile, Brian Hall was seen going door to door handing out the official Media Democratic literature supporting his ticket, which doesn't include Amy and Lisa, but their opponents.

This will shape up to be more of a popularity contest as the issues both sides are running on are essentially the same.  Generalizations on safety, transparency, the voice of the people, etc.

Here are some questions that ALL candidates need to answer:

  1. Why did Amy Johnson feel the need to hire a gardener at $25 per hour when the Media Highway Department could have done the job?  Media Police start at $26 per hour.
  2. What are Lisa and Amy's position on the completion of the Third Street Bridge?  Being supported by former Councilman Kent Davidson, who opposed the bridge; will they follow suit?
  3. Why hasn't anything been done to curb the speeding and stop sign roll throughs in the borough that were raised last year?
  4. What are their positions on the current construction going on for numerous projects in Media and how much is too much?
  5.  What are their positions on the crumbling Olive St parking garage and plans for a new garage at Baltimore Ave and Orange St?


  1. The division is all about the pettiness over the 3rd Street Bridge. Looks like the candidates of the Friends of Glen Providence park think they still have a hand to play in further obstructing the bridge through these candidates.

    Johnson and Johnson make for a good enema, but not candidates. Good for them they have such weak opponents, that they'll probably pull it off.

    1. Anon 10:52 Don't you know Broomall's Lake has backed out their stated agreement about maintaining the new dam.

    2. Anon 10:52 nice try with the FAKE NEWS
      As one of the 3 signatures on the STIPULATION AGREEMENT I can unequivocally state BROOMALLS LAKE HAS NOT BACKED OUT OF THE AGREEMENT.
      Paul Cavanagh

  2. It's been said before too many personal

    Since the mayor seems to be present at meetings but rarely says anything I believe
    We should eliminate council and the mayor and hold referendums on spending matters
    Such as the Wawa, capital expenditures on buying land for Pocket park this would ensure the voice of the people is really captured. I guess it's too much to ask of local council members to represent the majority of the people

  3. They came to my door and I asked the very same question out of curiosity, but they didn't go into detail about why they weren't nominated. Sorta strange.

  4. WHOA! It's now becoming known that Amy and Lisa are too radical left for the Media Dems. That makes more sense than they couldn't make up there minds. Looks like the third street bridge is playing a part in all of this too. Bad blood between Robinson and Rumsey isn't helping.

    Looks like a coup is being driven by Kent Davidson and Terry Rumsey.
