Thursday, August 3, 2017

After receiving $350k for the ME2 Pipeline easement, Media officials after 11 months still haven't responded to requests made for risk and safety assessments. They haven't adeuately explained how the made the initial decision to accept the $350k

It's been almost a year since people concerned over the ME2 pipeline were on hand at the September 2016 Media Borough Meeting.  At that meeting, questions were raised over the safety of the project and requests for further information.   Media officials sternly stated that reviews were conducted by the council that led to their decision on the $350k easement they negotiated, but nothing has been provided to the community on what was actually reviewed that led them to approve the easement.

That same night, a formal statement by a member of the Middletown Coalition for Community Safety - Mariner East II was made requesting that a portion of the $350k received be put towards a safety evacuation plan and risk assessment study.  Over the last 11 months, nothing has been provided or followed up on by Media borough officials regarding the matter.  Middletown Township during that time has contributed $100,000 to such requests from the $1.8 million easements they received.


  1. Take the money and run that's what borough of media council has done

    "We didn't have much of a legal response"
    Have any of council members or mayor even spoken with a geophysicist or hydrogeologist ? Another example of poor leadership lack of information to the public,
    And arrogance

  2. The "legal matter" was Hall's way of deflecting questions about the repair for 3rd St bridge too. He used that excuse for many years until borough council was found in contempt of court.

    1. Wow even RTM school district has a.posting on their website concerning ME2 and once again
      Media Borough is of the mind let's just sit on our hands

  3. I suppose they could have used that money to buy another lot.

    1. I thought that $350,000 figure sounded familiar. Was that money used by the Borough to buy the property at 5th & Broomall Streets?

  4. Really shocked at media borough council
    His council president Brian hall and the mayor Couldn't spend some time doing some due diligence and make a written statement before taking the money from Sunoco
    By the way Ridley Creek Media Boroughs water source could be affected so to say
    The pipeline isn't going through Media Borough and "we're just a land owner" is
    Ridiculous another example of ignorance arrogance in local media politicians

  5. Thank you for covering this. So many people aren't aware of these dangers, and this corruption. Common sense. A high pressure gas line is incompatible with high density population.

    1. Probably haven't heard anything from Media Borogh because in the T&C of the agreement with Sunoco
      There is a gag order or a hold harmless clause Tedmano please try and get a hold of the agreement and post it
