Thursday, August 31, 2017

It would be of value to know if resources from Media Police are reappointed to different complaint categories based on increasing/decreasing levels of complaint activity.

The timing of this article is interesting considering the topic of "complaints to police" in Media is a hot issue this week.   Interesting enought that 2,482 viewers took a look.

Midland, PA has 2,600 residnets and gets dozens of complaints, while Media, PA ~5,400 residents and gets hundreds.  It would be of value to know if resources from Media Police are reappointed to different complaint categories based on increasing/decreasing levels of complaint activity.  Or if additional resources are needed, which I'll be the first to support; at what measure is that decided?

The chief explains in the memo that the mayor requested the measure saying, “I am well aware that these and many others are illegal violations, but we cannot sustain a department where we have dozens of complaints a month.”


  1. Media borough collects a lot of tax dollars
    From its residents only to ignore and discount safety concerns although this seems to be systemic problem with many areas

  2. I'm asking sincerely... how do you prevent someone who doesn't live here, from traveling here and committing crimes? As long as there are high value targets -- banks, bars, convenience stores, drug stores, Super Wawas, cars, houses, people etc,.. there will be people that want to commit crimes.

    And I'm asking what can one realistically do to prevent someone from outside the area from coming here to commit a crime?

    1. Stopping crime very difficult
      However the mayor and council
      Have approved super Wawa's super CVS stores etc and the trend of crimes seems to be on the rise
      In fact the first week of Wawa's opening you had someone trying to steel cigarates lots of nefarious activities buried in those "complaiants" no dought

    2. You can't. Like you said, Media has a lot of high value targets, and it's increasingly becoming urbanized. People wrongly call Media a suburb when in reality it's built like a small town and functions as a very tiny urban center. Add in more appealing targets like banks and convenience stores, and you get criminals looking to rob them. But not every crime involves a typical criminal. Plenty of legal gun owners turn out to be punks who use them to intimidate. But that's beside the point.

      There are different types of crime problems. Any urban area that's a spot for nightlife will attract all kinds. Any place with high value targets will attract people looking to take advantage. Remember where Media is located. You've got Chester to the far south, Delaware to the southwest, Coatesville to the west/northwest, and Philly to the far east. That's a lot of places for criminals to come from. It was inevitable they would find your borough.

      But people in Media thinking they're not safe is ridiculous. I'd have no problem walking around Media at three in the morning. It's cupcake. What you all are experiencing is a wave of crime that started in the eastern/southeastern part of the county almost 15 years ago now and happens literally all over the county. I grew up in Clifton Heights and Upper Darby and there was a rash of Philly style ziptie robberies, one of which was in broad daylight, in like 2001 or so and two clerks being shot (one at the Alpine Inn, the other at the CVS). Around the same time, the entire eastern part of Upper Darby started seeing increased crime but especially in the mid to late 2000s. That has spread from UD and Clifton to Springfield, Havertown, and Marple... just like it did from Chester to Brookhaven, etc. That entire half of the county east of you is now for all intents and purposes connected to the city. Middletown and Nether Providence will follow as places that are more "mixed" socioeconomically because they have the same scores of not aging well small suburban housing.

      But not Media. You all might have fixer uppers and apartment buildings but they aren't the cheap kind. It's just going to get more and more expensive there, not the other way around. You're not going to have some large criminal element living there unless like a lot of us in the county they view it as a decent place to get away from where they are. Nightlife and activity attracts all kinds (and let's be real here... young people buy drugs, some of whom live in Media no doubt) but Media's never going to be a place where a shooting happening isn't an extremely rare and shocking thing. Just exercise street smarts and keep your doors and if necessary windows locked.

      People know the suburbs are a risky place to commit crimes because it puts more of a spotlight on you. That alone is a deterrent. Your cops can be a huge one if they do everything they can to make it known crime won't be tolerated or become a frequent thing. Fighting for big sentences for criminals is a big part of that, though we all know our judges in this county seem to let most off way too light.

  3. Exactly!. As you seem to suggest the Wawa should revert to a vacant lot and the new CVS not be built and the land remain undeveloped (with no trees on it - since trees provide a hiding place for nefarious types and could be mistaken for a park). How dare our elected leaders approve these things!

  4. Present the facts on crime in matter of fact way not some bar chart that gets repurposed every month - media's school yard serial rapist incidents likely showed as a compliant on this chart. Last media had the first right of refusal as to what retail establishment goes where just call another developer that handles someone other then Wawa or CVS the space would support a number of other retail that doesn't sell tobacco and drugs and yes please plant trees on the empty lots they help catch the trash in the interium

    1. Can you (and countless others) please make the effort to write coherent sentences in the comment section of this blog?

    2. Your comments on coherent sentence(s) is appreciated however your not adding to the content in what most people would view as constructive. Yes this blog has people that rant, however it's for good reason
      Many times important info gets missed or omitted perhaps on purpose to advance local agendas and people are beginning to notice with this blog.

    3. Your comments on coherent sentence(s) is appreciated,however your not adding to the content in what most people would view as constructive way. Yes this blog has people that rant, Often times for good reason

      Many times important info gets missed or omitted perhaps on purpose to advance local agendas. Unfortunately people are beginning to notice. This blog is the only resource in which residents can voice an opinion
