Sunday, July 18, 2010

New leadership taking charge in Media as reported by the Delcotimes

New leadership taking charge in Media as reported by the Delcotimes


  1. Yes, the leadership of Media City Council was hijacked by the "senior" member of Media City Council, who has been the biggest part of the "bi-partisan" problem for 7 years, so he is taking over now? How does that solve the "problem"? Where was Mayor Frank Daly when this was all happening, vacationing in the Hamptons? That is the million dollar question. The Mayor obviously is powerless and out of the loop, and maybe it was a mistake for the town to put him back in charge last November. The ship has no rudder, and things will not get better, they will get worse with Alyankian running the show and the town now. Should have just made him mayor like he wanted in November to put an end to all of it for real. Alyankian definitely showed him up after losing the mayoral election to him in November, and got the last laugh here for sure. Politics as usual..... Hilarious to watch them "whack" each other. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  2. Actually, Frank Daly was the old head of city council, close but no cigar, he was not major, so to correct the post above, the clueless Mayor is actually Robert McMahon. Happened right under his nose. Funny
