A year ago, no one was talking about the design of Third Street bridge; as it is now apparent we didn't have the leadership in place to effectively deal with the issues. Today we are not only discussing it's repair, but have also received this year funds for the design. Essentially, Media went from spending $240k over the course of a decade, to now receiving grants for the design and construction. As recently as last week's borough council meeting, time frames have been announced as soon as 2012 for repair work to begin. Results not only matter, but saving tax payer money is equally important.
PennDot will be on hand for a special meeting with residents August 3rd to discuss the design of the bridge/dam and what changes will be proposed. As a candidate for Media Borough Council, and supporter of repairing the bridge, I would encourage residents to attend this meeting.
SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE - Media Borough Council will conduct a Special Meeting on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Media Borough Municipal Center, 301 N. Jackson Street, Media, PA for the purpose of discussing the status of the design of the Third Street Bridge/Dam. The public is welcome to attend.www.mediaborough.com
Tedman O'Hara
Thanks for posting!