Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Sink Hole, Abandoned House and those Plastic Bags

As I go door-to-door I'm always interested in the concerns residents have.   Some I typically know about (traffic, taxes, etc.), but there are many things that come as a surprise.  For instance I spoke to neighbors on North Olive and 8th Streets who are quite displeased with a very serious sink hole problem located in their backyards.  I was shown it first hand and it certainly was a lot bigger than I expected with a high rate of water coming out of a 36" rusting drainage pipe.  The borough is looking at this, but the time it's taking has residents concerned.

In the southern precinct today I met a couple who have an adjoining home to one that was recently abandoned on Vernon St.  It's not only a fire hazard, but structurally it's unstable to the point the roof is caving in.  I understand these things don't get resolved over night, but as someone who is running for council, these people need face-to-face reassurances from their elected officials that these issues are going to be addressed and fixed.  They deserve timeframes and commitments. Period!

Also in the southern precinct today,  I ran into a person who stated that there has to be someway to stop a vehicle that goes from street to street in the early morning hours dispersing the plastic bags containing advertisements and coupons.  I know what he's talking about, I get them too.  I know this has been addressed by council, but again it's getting the lines of communication open that allow these issues to be resolved.

You learn a lot seeing and meeting people at their homes.  Whether it's commercial trucks I have to take pictures of inorder to have removed from residential streets, hazardous trees cut down, emails I get through this blog or the problems described to me today; I'll get it addressed.


1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you today.. Thanks for the concern over the gravel. I enjoy your site.
