Friday, May 25, 2012

RTM School Board gets job done for Media Elementary

When Media Elementary made the unexpected announcement back in March that the school would be closed for the coming school year 2012/2013 due to building structure issues, the news made many families nervous of the uncertain future of where their children would go to school.  Would the school district consider  modules on Barrall field, busing to another school in the district, re-opening the old Roosevelt School or perhaps consider the soon to be vacant Nativity BVM?  Some options more inconvenient than others, but all were real possibilities.

A few weeks ago Superintendent, James Wigo held a "town hall" at Media Elementary and reviewed the options they had on hand to deal with the situation.  Of all of the them, some quite expensive; Superintended Wigo  told the audience that he was 98% certain that they could work a deal with Nativity BVM.  This week that reached 100% and Media Elementary will be utilizing the soon vacant Nativity building. There is a great article this week from Media Patch explaining the details.

Timing played a part in this decision, but so did the RTM school board for actively mitigating this issue in short time.  The situation was defined to families, expectations set and communicated on a timely basis; as a final decision was worked out towards the benefit for all.   Kudos to the Superintendent, James Wigo; President, Linda Fox and the rest of the school board including Media's school board appointee, Chris Guilday for successfully handling what was a potential BIG issue for Media.  Based on my discussions, Media Elementary families are quite pleased with the outcome and the decisive manner it which this was handled.



  1. Atleast it didn't take them 16 years

  2. Exhaustive search? What did they have to do? Look out the window and see Nativity right there.

  3. Actually it was an exhausting el has a lot more students than nativity, so they weren't even sure it would hold everyone. As it stands they still need to add mods to hold all the students and staff. A lot of research and looking at other spaces was done

  4. I love you people, masters of the Obvious!
    It is such a chuckle and gets my mind off work

  5. Jim Wigo is building a nice pension.

  6. I hope it takes them twice as long to fix the elementary school.

    1. Why would you want that?

    2. More parking.
      Less wacky parents on that side of town.
