Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Great Iphone App for Media's Dining Under the Stars

At about this time every Wednesday during the dining under the starts season, people start wringing their hands as to whether the weather will hold up for the night’s event.  With a daily threat of thunderstorms throughout the later months of Summer, it’s almost an art over a science when predicting the weather for DUS, or any outdoor event.  Sometimes a light shower in the afternoon will give way to a beautiful rainfree evening, and on a few occasions vice versa.
Dark Sky Iphone Weather App

Not even the best technology can accurately predict the weather 100% of the time, but one that comes very close and is incredibly accurate is a Iphone App call Dark Sky.  So if you sitting somewhere wondering if the weather will cooperate for  DUS on a particular Wednesday or want to get a meal in before the rain sets in, check out the app.  One nice feature is that i'll send you a push notification minutes before the actual rain is expected.  It may even have you literally dodging rain drops.

1 comment:

  1. Great night out there last night. Dining Under the Stars has proven to be a huge success.
