Thursday, August 23, 2012

RTM School board making for smooth Media Elementary transition to former Nativity Building

What started out as a very big issue this year for Media Elementary students, is turning out to be back page news.  As reported by, the transition from Media Elementary school to the temporary location at the former Nativity BVM is proceeding quite smoothly.

So far so good, with a lot of the credit going to Superintendent, Jim Wigo and the rest of the RTM school board for acted on an communicating to the borough a well laid out plan for the transition.  No word yet on the repair of the roof at Media Elementary, though hopefully this will be on track too.


  1. Why were the kids allowed to complete the school year if the conditions warranted a complete closing. Smells like home cookin.

    1. It is my understanding that the actual conditions are not what warrants the complete closing but instead it will be the conditions during the repairs that would be unsafe for children.

  2. The school was safe while the kids finished out the is not safe for them to be there during construction. My concern is why has the school board just put the job out t bids now? We (parents) were led to believe back in April that construction would take place as soon as the kids were out of school. Let's just hope this is only for me year!
