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112 new townhomes on the outskirts of Media, |
I would imagine development to start sometime this spring. Here are a few photos of what's back there now. A lot of dense overgrowth with a road leading to a single residence.
As found on Cornell Homes website:
Well they certainly look quite stylish. Clearly I realize this is not an apples to apples situation BUT 112 townhomes get built in a matter of months - surveying, moving dirt, initial construction, plumbing, sewer/septic,... and a bridge/dam that crosses a creek NOT even a river, connects neighbors with the same town address [I know Anonymous(es!!!) you don't like to hear/read this - that's why I typed it - PLUS whether you like it or not IT IS my and MANY others who DO NOT live in the boro address too!!] still sits idle as we enter the 17th year!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Cindy. Let's get that dam built so Broomall's Lake Swim Club can get on with a development of their own! There are homes to be built there, Million$ to be made...doesn't anybody GET that? And to think that our goofy borough council is standing in the way of it all! Just think of all the extra tax income the borough could be collecting if they'd just be responsible for rebuilding the dam and an already-agreed-upon arrangement. Instead they just demonize the poor little Broomall's Lake Swim Club, a place where people just go to swim.
DeleteWe destroy what we love. Media will evetnaully loose what everyone likes about it because of edevelopment like this....
ReplyDeleteSad to see the open space disappear - then we'll hear about the over populated deer presence - never ends.
ReplyDeleteRuining Media
ReplyDeleteWhere are all the "No City!" Middeltown Township residents now? Does this kind of development, replacing open space with 112 townhomes, not adversely impact the "rural" character of Middletown Township, moreso than the original proposed plan for the Franklin Mint site?
ReplyDeleteGet a life
DeleteExactly what woodlands will it be surrounded by once they clear out the woods to build these homes?
ReplyDeleteI used to hike/walk back in those woods...there was an old boy scout camp in there somewhere
ReplyDeleteIf BLCC is forced to drain Broomall's Lake, you can bet townhouses will be on the horizon. Then we will really hear the FROGS "ribbit, ribbit."
ReplyDeleteGood for the tax base,FROGS. bUT NOT for the enviroment. How many townhouses could be squeezed in there? The zoning is already there. West Street residents are going to have a lot of traffic. Welcome to the new neighborhood, Councilman Davaidson.
DeleteWhy should taxpayers pay for a new dam without assurances from BLCC they won't drain the lake for their own financial benefit? More evidence of a poorly written stipulation.
DeleteHonestly, why would BLCC be advocating all this time for a 2 lane 2 way road in the best interest of the entire community if they secretly wanted to destroy the lake??
DeleteUnlike FROGs and MBC, BLCC does not have any hidden agendas. Case in point: see this RE isting from Media Patch today:
•510 Parks Edge Ln, Media, $535,000, January 16
Now, anybody who says that Councilman Davidson would not be a beneficiary (in terms of increase in property value) of ANY council votes as it pertains to the bridge needs their head examined. Can somebody bring THAT to Judge Proud's attention?
Sorry to say, that's highly unlikely. 90% of BLCC (including the entire lake) sits on R-2, where only single family homes and twins would be permitted by-right (duplexes had been allowed in R-2 up until a recent ordinace amendment was passed last month). Either a change to the zoning map/code or a significant variance would be required to build townhomes on that property.
DeleteThanks, Michael Kinsley, for bringing some factual information to this discussion.
DeleteObviously, it can be development. But the bigger quetion: should it? I'm happy with a lake there. The county should give BLCC some incentives to keep the lake and improve it for future generation
Twins homes. Bet BLCC could get 40 or 50 twins on that property. That would be about 80 to 100 more cars if each family has two. It's a big property maybe 11 or 12 acres. The Boro sure could use the extra tax revenue. Hope someone from the club reads this.
DeleteIdeally it's nice to have a sort of rural apron surrounding a town as a visual cue to know when you're entering or leaving but hey this isn't Nebraska, this is metropolitan Philadelphia.
ReplyDeleteThat is what I was thinking. It must be greener to build close together and closer to the city... and isn't that what makes Media a walkable town?
DeleteBorough council needs to find a way to screw this up. What do you mean it's not in Media? Quick, consult the solicitor!
ReplyDelete"Ribbit," is not the answer, Anon 7:46. You can do better than that.
DeleteThis is not in Media Borough y'all...so why are you all talking about Borough Council, BLCC and Glen Providence Park??? Why not whine about Upper Providence Township and their (all but one Dem) Republican controlled council letting yet another development happen??
ReplyDeletemY WHINE ABOUT upper providence Township IS THE SPEED TRAP they set up at the botton of Media hill, fining everybody for going over 25mph. Without that "money trap" Upper Providence's taxes would be going up. So you owe us Media Maven. 1/2 those fines should be shared with Media Borough. But that is not the case.
DeleteI believe the development is in Middletown Twp., not UPT. The border line is Rodley Creek. Now, if only there was some way to make the traffic pattern at the bottom of the hill safer.
DeleteDave Daniel
My point, "Media resident", is that Tedman's post was about a development in Middletown Twp. (thanks for the correction, Dave Daniel), not Media Borough...and many of the comments on this post were regarding Media Borough...while we all (Upper Prov, Media, Middletown) share the same zip code we are NOT held to the same rules, regulations, taxes, governance, etc. as each other, so bitching about Media Borough issues re; a development in another township is pointless.
Deletemedia maven, you are absolutely correct in pointing out we all share the same zip 19063 - to that end, one portion of that 19063 (Media Boro) has chosen complete disregard for the other 19063's (M'town, UPT) when it comes to the Third St bridge. When a tangible cost/taxpayer impact has been shown to their council re: school district transport, and they choose to completely ignore the 'good neighbor impact' in favor of 'you-can't-tell us-how-to-run-our-borough' it deserves to be brought to light to the general population of 19063 for transparency purposes. I for one am SO GLAD that I am not held to the same governance as Media Boro - it's like Sisyphus and the rock, over and over and over again.
DeleteAnon 8:06 AM: I am merely pointing out that Tedman's original post was about a development happening in Middletown Township and that the comments derailed the post and began talking about Media Borough issues not pertaining to the development. I'm not taking sides or picking a fight about 19063 issues...just pointing out that the comments are off the rails re; Tedman's post.
DeleteUpper Providence Council:
ReplyDeleteDon't give a nickle of my tax money to the proposed $million renovation of the Media/Upper Providnece Library, which is in downtown Media, 19063. Media Borough Council is not a "good neighbor" as evidenced by their uncompromising stand on the 3Rd Street Bridge.
ReplyDeleteWow! This looks a lot like what Broomall's Lake Swim Club could develop if we could get that Dam project settled...except their development would have the 'extra' plus of its own private lake...and two-way traffic into downtown Media, just steps away!
ReplyDeleteAnd all at taxpayer expense ....
DeleteNot ALL at taxpayer expense, Anon 10:35. THAT would be ridiculous! Just the $5 million or so for the dam and road, plus whatever the Club can sue for to get the pond dredged back into a lake like it was 100 years ago. No charge to the club for that because they would need that help to leverage the rest of this deal for what could well be a $100-million development, quite likely far more "stylish" than the one cited in this article. We're talking millions of dollars here, small fry, just mind your own business and stay out of the way. You're just jealous because you don't have your own lake. Let's be real here--if you did, you'd expect taxpayers to pay for it too, and would do whatever it takes to get it.
Delete"Media by the Lake." What an address. Water sells, ask any real estate developer. There are townhouses overlooking Springton Lake. Why not twins and singles overlooking Bromall's Lake ,plus sidewalks into downtown Media.
ReplyDeleteIt would be sold out in a week.
The Swim Club is already zoned R-2. If the borough would just build them the dam we'd be all set!
DeleteMedia Borough Council doesn't "build," it stops "building," like the 3rd Street Bridge, plus 17 years. Like WaWa Super store. The present Council is the anti-build company.
DeleteThose who can build. Those who can't critize.