Monday, July 15, 2013

Upper Providence moving forward with widening of Rt. 252

Sketch of 252 Widening Project in Upper Providence
This seems to have been in planning for years, but an article in this week's Town Talk by Susan Serbin explains the widening of Rt. 252 is about to begin.  Penndot is set to release RFPs in the next few weeks, with a decision determining contractor/s in mid-October.

Preliminary work is expected to begin by the end of 2013 and will continue through 2014. For further information, drawings and phases of this project, please check out Upper Providence's website.


  1. Wasn't Rose Tree Tavern moved back from 252 in anticipation of 252 widening, which never materialized?

  2. Can we assume a well-planned improvement to the lights will also take place. Folks turning left on to 252 from rt 1 South and folks turning south on rt 1 from 252 North are the bane of all decent travel times on that road.

    1. It looks like there will be a new light at the 252/RT1SB intersection, so I imagine there will have to be more light coordination.

      The new light at 252/Providence Road should help a lot as well.

      I'm glad to see that there is better consideration for pedestrian access. The additional crosswalks and sidewalks (in orange) should make it much easier to walk to Rose Tree Park from Media.

      The new left turn lane from 252SB to Rose Tree Rd will make a big difference too.

      I wish there was an easier way to cross the street to Evergreen Ave. across from the Boat House.

      Why is there a left turn lane on 252SB after the turn for the RT1NB ramp and the new "mountable curb island? Is that a dedicated turning lane to get into the Gentile Automotive property?

    2. @ Anon 9:19: Thank you for the breakdown of the plans. Sounds like a really good improvement.

  3. Someone notify the Media Democratic/Socialist party to see if they can some how protest this development and only make 252 a one-way road in to Media. Forget about cost, convenience of practicality, it's the Media way and that's "one-way!"

    1. Get their terrorist wing, the FROGS, to intervene. Maybe with progressive efforts, we can turn 252 into a 'greenway'

    2. Could Anon 7:07 and Anon 8:01 keep all of their future pillow talk in private please.

  4. All I want are 2 "don"t block the box/intersectin" signs!
