Thanks for reading this week! I'll try to keep it on the short side as the goal here is to provide a two-minute brief of what's going on in Media, PA. Sometimes that's not so easy with so much going on, but if it makes M2M, it's important to someone. That's not to say I couldn't do a Media in Five Minutes, but in these times who's got five undivided minutes?
Thanks for the MANY comments and feedback on Project ATM-S, which included HD video on the treacherous road conditions we had over the last few weeks due to the weather. There are big plans in the works for more feature-rich content.
Let's Go!
ATM SPOTLIGHT: Anyone who had a part in helping us through last week's ice storm. The list here is long, but that includes PECO, Police/Fire Depts., volunteers, municipal workers, neighbors and the community. Thanks to those who also shared information over social networks letting us know about power outages and offers of assistance for those in need. That's pretty cool!!!
Media Blood Drive - GET THERE!

Giving blood isn't easy for those who have an aversion to this procedure; I'm one of them. Truthfully, I'd rather be pushed down a flight of stairs than have blood drawn, but I too need to step up and do my part. Maybe I'll see you there
Media Rotary Gearing Up to Help Media Food Bank
I received a message that Media Rotary is looking to organize a fundraising effort for the Media Food Bank. There will be more about this in the coming weeks, but I love the initiative and what it'll do for those in need. I'd like to see if we could get some sponsors for this, and of course, the star power we have in our own community that have been so generous to these causes.

I actually love the idea and am discussing a few things with them next week. So, we'll see where that goes. See? We can bring a lot of cools things and services here to Media, we just need to channel the enthusiasm.
Electricity and Lack Thereof
Last week's power outages was only behind Hurican Sandy in the amount of people who were affected by loss of electricity. Amazingly, from what I understand, most of Media had power, but based on PECO’s assessments, as many as a quarter didn't. In the outlining areas it was much worse.
It’s really unexplainable how the electricity grid is divided among the borough. Some people will have an outage, while their neighbors or businesses across the street aren’t affected. I live on 6th Street which is usually the first to suffer, but miraculously it didn’t happen this time. I still hold on to my kerosene heaters though.
What we need to know about Olive Street Garage

- How bad in disrepair is this structure and what caused it? Water has been leaking through it for years. Was in neglected?
- What's the cost of adding an additional level?
- Is it feasible to tear-down and have a new structure built with an additional floor for more parking? West Chester Borough has had success with their new parking garages.
- Can this be done in the March/April timeframe, instead at the height of Dining Under the Stars
ATM Everywhere, but here’s where it is mostly.
If you follow this blog on Facebook and Twitter, you’ll always get the updates that are posted. The website at is delayed a bit when there is fast moving information like weather. The reason is, it’s much easier and faster to post on FB, than the added steps done to update the website. Everything cascades down to Twitter, regardless of which site is updated first. No worries if you prefer the website, 90% of the time, the website is updated first.
Point being, if you’re looking for breaking updates, Facebook gets them first.
Another Vacancy in Media
The flooring store that was located in the old Hill’s Seafood build is now vacant. Unfortunately, I hear another retail store will also be closing on State Street in the coming months.
One or Two of a Kind is closing. A Home Decor and Antique shop will be taking up the space vacated by Simply Elegant Home: