Friday, November 11, 2016

Peco's micro grid NOT happening for Delaware County.


  1. Does this mean the generator at borough will now be hooked up to the PJM ?

  2. Just wait till the grid goes down. Those people that oppose this will be screaming how could we not have been prepared for such an outage.

  3. Looks like it was stopped by energy suppliers. Peco got out of the generation business in 1996 to promote choice. The micro grid would mean Peco could generate electricity again, which might cut the suppliers ability to maximize profits for themselves. That couldn't be allowed.
    Not sure how the aging infrastructure will ever get modernized, but electricity distribution is often cited as a major vulnerability to disaster or attack in the US. The micro grid would have been a major mitigation of that risk, at least locally.

  4. Deregulation the brainchild of Ken Lay is any of you remember that clown !
