Thursday, February 2, 2017

Delco 911 Proactive on Safety


  1. At least delco politicians are proactive about safety media borough seems to value hiring
    A Gardner before hiring police officer(s)
    We need a more people like Upper Darby's
    Chitwood in local politics in Media,PA

    1. LOL because Upper Darby is so safe. Give me a break, Media has the luxury to hire a Gardner because the biggest crime in Media is loitering to smoke cigars or not paying the meter at Iron Hill

    2. If indeed Media is so safe why is the police force in Media,PA having trouble
      Keeping up with caseloads and also needs a detective. There is random violence everywhere in you care to take the time to read about it

    3. Well said Anonymous 2/3/17 1:51 PM.

      And 100% don't want any Chitwood types running things in Media.

  2. Media Borough Council needs to hire more full time police officers , why aren't they doing so ?

    1. Go to a council meeting you'll see a good act among the mayor and council just talk maybe some good spirited debate but usually just talk and with no results
