Monday, February 20, 2017

Questions need to be answered by Media 5 Mile Race Committee

Questions need to be answered by 
Media 5 Mile Race Committee

Many people have not been made aware of this, but the Media 5 Mile Race Committee hasn’t been affiliated with the Media Borough Recreation department, who originally oversaw the event, in many years.  Despite requests by me and others to local officials, Media Borough can’t provide any reasoning as to how and why this transitioned from a borough event to one that’s now hosted by a third party.  They simply state, "it’s not a borough event" and go on to say they can’t help. I thought that very interesting as this race brings in well over $60,000 or more in a year from fees and sponsors! And no one seems to know who runs it?  

I inquired to in 2015 and last year twice, but was never given a reply.

By reviewing, there is no indication of who is on the board, when/where they meet, by-laws, donations made in dollar amounts, payables, business/family affiliations or most importantly recent 990s filings that 501c non-profit organizations are supposed to report. In fact, the last 990s form anyone can find for this group was from 2009. There's no listing of this entity on the IRS site when searching for the name or last known EIN: 26-4232784.  Conversely, the Media Upper Providence Library, another 501c non-profit has all of their forms in order and available for review.

Why was one filed for 2009, but not since?  We’ll gladly post if anyone has them to clear the confusion, but since 2009, no one has any idea where, as much as, $420,000 ($60,000 x 7yrs since last filing) has gone!

Perhaps as bizarre were retweets that were sent last year via @media5milerace advocating gun control legislation.  When I inquired about their political re-tweets that can affect a non-profit's status, I was falsely accused of hacking their twitter page by Bob Simpson who is the husband of former Media Borough Councilwoman, Monica Simpson. 

The question was never answered and I'm not sure why.  I understand people may not know how to use Twitter and may not realize what they posted was public for all to see, but the way this was handled was unprofessional.  

Why is the Media 5 Mile Race committee re-tweeting positions about gun control?

A false accusation of hacking by a Facebook account 
associated with the Media5Mile committee, when questioned about retweets.

To summarize:
  1. Why was this race committee moved from being a sanctioned borough event by the recreation department, to now being run by a  third party who appears to be led by a former Media Borough Councilperson?
  2. How come 990s forms that 501c non-profits are typically required to file, have been not been available for review? There's no record or this group or forms via a search through the IRS site.
  3. If exemption status was granted for not filing 990s forms, where is the accountability for as much as $420,000 over the last 7 years?
  4. Who makes up the board of directors and what are their roles, by-laws, methods of election and meeting dates?  Why hasn’t this been openly provided to the community to participate?
  5. How are vendors chosen and why hasn’t Bryn Mawr Running a Media business been involved?
  6. How are recipients of funds chosen and where is a list with dollar amounts?
  7. Were the politically associated re-tweets a mistake?


  1. Count down till Tedman is accused of printing alternative facts begins now.......

  2. Replies
    1. Amen. You have a council member who is trying to get these answers also, unfortunately the bulk of the council is complicit with the shenanigans of race committee. Maybe this will help him.

    2. what's the statute of limitation on this when were those "scholarships" granted and is there truth council member family members getting scholarship monies from the media five miler nonprofit ?

    3. Anon 9:23 pm Who is this council member trying to get answers I'll go to a council meeting and ask this person, in person what information has been discovered

    4. PA dept of state can be contacted for information on nonprofits in PA phone

  3. An exempt organization must provide a copy of covered tax documents to an individual who makes a written or in person request at the organization’s principal office. If the organization regularly maintains any regional or district offices having three or more employees, it must also respond to request submitted to any such office. Covered tax documents include, in general, the organization’s application for tax-exempt status and its annual returns for a period of three years beginning on the date the return is required to be filed. If the request is made in person, it must generally be honored on the day of the request; if it is written, then the organization generally has 30 days to respond. (A request that is faxed, e-mailed or sent by private courier is considered a written request.)

    That's copied from the IRS website.

  4. On the race’s web site they list the following beneficiaries of the race proceeds. Perhaps you could reach out to one of these organizations and ask for their opinion on how the race has benefitted them? For what it’s worth, the race’s About page also states that the race was originally started as a fundraiser for a local political campaign, so it was not always a borough event benefitting the borough.

    John K. Barrall Student Award - Media Borough Graduate
    Media Fire, Hook & Ladder Co. #1
    Media-Upper Providence Free Library
    US Veterans Legacy Project
    Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County
    Media Area Girls Softball
    Media Area NAACP
    Media Food Bank
    Media Youth Center
    Media Fair Trade Committee
    Media Fellowship House
    Media Recreation Committee - Capital Improvements
    Media Borough Capital Improvement Fund
    Media Police Association Fund
    The Penncrest Gridiron Boosters Club
    Media Business Authority

    1. Annie, is that a yearly list of who receives contributions or is that a historic list of all who *ever* received contributions? Without knowing when or how much each organization received, it's not possible to determine how much is spent towards "beneficiaries" among other possible expenses such as 'payroll'.

      That's why the yearly 990s forms are important. If you're able to, please request these from the Media 5 Mile committee. I'll be happy to post for everyone to see. Also, asking a beneficiary how they like receiving money is something of an impractical question. Why would anyone who had a vested interest in monetary contributions say anything but, "Oh, it's a great organization"?

  5. I was going to say the same thing as Annie. I would like to think that these benefiting organizations would say something if they are not actually receiving any support from it.

    Also, Bryn Mawr Running does not sponsor any races. I helped to plan a 5K and they would not sponsor the race or prizes. I would imagine they get many requests, and if you start doing it for one you would have to do it for others. Many of their staff do run the race.
    They also do race timing and course set up, so they could be doing that for the 5Miler.

  6. 2009 Tax return shows the following beneficiaries: "Delaware State University Scholarship; Media Borough; Free Library; Fair Trade Committee; Police Victims Fund; Media NAACP; Media Fire Company; Domestic Abuse"

  7. I don't think anyone has a problem with the 2009 report, I don't. We just haven't seen another 990 from in 6-7 years.

    1. As I mentioned here the last time you raised this issue, they don't have to file a 990 if their gross receipts are less than $50,000.

      Registration is through who also manage the race. If runtheday takes their fee off the top, before passing the balance to the race, it's entirely likely that the race's gross receipts are still below that thresshold.

    2. You're making some lose assumptions. This year's entry fee is $40 ($45 if after a certain date) There are 1,600 slots that historically sell out (40x1,600) is $64,000. What's's cut? I doubt it's 20% If it's below 22% that still puts gross receipts at ~$50,000. In addition, sponsor money hasn't been accounted for which could conservatively be anywhere from $10k - $20k. That's well over $50k, more like $70k.

      Gross receipts are the total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses.

    3. ...furthermore, you can't deduct the expense by runtheday and then apply it to gross receipts. The ($40 entry fee x1600) $64,000 would be towards TOTAL gross receipts (total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses.), thus exceeding $50,000. A 990 form of some sort would need to be filed.

    4. Tedman
      The race email states 1800 entrants this,year not 1600 add an additional 8K to your assumptions (200 × 40 = 8,000)

    5. Thanks. I was going off of: which says 1,600.


    6. Runtheday takes care of collecting the registration fees. They then subtract their own fees for organizing the race and remit the balance to the media five mile race org. Only that balance that the org receives gets included in its gross receipts (because the org is not collecting those fees and paying those expenses directly).

      Certainly in recent years gross receipts have been well under the $50k threshold for filing. Whether that continues to be the case depends on what services RTD provides and how much they charge for them. You could always ask them.

    7. I spoke to RTD this afternoon. I had them quote 1,600 registers at $40. For that scenario the fees, handling, etc would be at most $3 per registrant. $1 per transaction + 5% for registration, but if one person registered say 4 people, they would only charge a $1 transaction, so it would be less than $3 per participant.

      Even at $3 x 1,600, that only comes to $4,800. $64,000 - $4,800 = 59,200, which exceeds the $50,000 non-profit filing threshold.

    8. Sounds like we need a forensic accounting team to come into

    9. Couple of thousand here or there nobody would miss that ?

  8. I know another tax return I'd like to see
    But the Russians won't allow it.

  9. Speaking of unanswered questions... the Towne House just gonna sit empty for years and years or what??

  10. Nonprofits are easy ways to funnel money to friends and to pay for expensive "business trips" all the big ones have had there share of money and accountability issues wounded warrior Susan komen, et al the public should get the chance to see the tax records from 2009 forward

  11. Monica Simpson is the registrant for

    Very curious, no?

    1. She registered the race website address with her name as the contact is there a problem with this?

    2. Yea, why would she register the website unless she was involved in the race in some capacity? Hosting a website isn't free.

    3. Then Monica Simpson as the one who registered the Media5milerace should have some if not all the answers to
      The many questions this forum is asking about

  12. Did Monica run it in 2009 or was it bryn mawr? Can the MBA tell us how much they received each year? Regardless of what the IRS requires and whether the race commitee has to comply shouldn't council know where the money trail is. Iron hill shuts down part of the street and we know who the beneficiary is

  13. Did Monica run it in 2009 or was it bryn mawr? Can the MBA tell us how much they received each year? Regardless of what the IRS requires and whether the race commitee has to comply shouldn't council know where the money trail is. Iron hill shuts down part of the street and we know who the beneficiary is

  14. Seems to be another lack of transparency issue with the leader of Media Boriugh, Media Borough Council both past and present members

  15. Petitions seems to be popular in this town get a soliciting permit and get signatures supporting the fact that citizens of media should know where all the money from the race has gone ?

  16. Media Borough council should not allow an event to be held in their municipality unless proper agreement has been signed and proof of insurance from the race sponsor. If a participant is hurt during the event on a Borough road, the Borough could potential be held responsible.

  17. Well Tedman, as someone who has been to a few of your 5 MILE RACE parties, I don't think that you're doing a good job fact checking on Delco Road Runners participation with the race prior to the inception of M5M. BMRC was a sponsor for the race there club did have runners in the race, but I don't think they actually did anything other than that. If I can find this out and you can't, you need to stir up a different pot. Get your FACTS right before you publish this BS!

  18. Inferring, "We (Media 5 Mile Race)" weren't as bad as "Delco Road Runners," is a moot point. Especially since The Media 5 Mile Race Committee has been overseeing this event for 10 years.

    Where has all the money gone over the years totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars raised by a non-profit 501c who does not publicly list board members, by-laws, financial statements or even IRS 990 forms required by organizations with yearly gross receipts in excess of $50,000? If I was anyway affiliated with any organization questioned about non-profit finances, I'd demand they post ALL IRS forms immediately!

    I'm certainly not the only one trying to get the FACTS right, as sponsors of this event are contacting me wanting to know more about this too.

  19. The 990's need to see the light of day- period

  20. Where are the 990's ?
    Where did all the money go ?

  21. What is the outcome of this 990 issue ? Certainly we wouldn't expect to get any feedback from Media Borough this forum would be the only feedback the public could get and when are the 990's going to be posted to ATM ?
