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A vote could come as early as Thursday, April 20th on whether this lot will proceed as a public park. |
Media Borough has yet to post the official agenda for tomorrow night's monthly council meeting, but word is a vote is expected on whether they will proceed with making the property at 5th and Broomall a public park. Apparently, Councilman Peter Williamson is close to securing a grant, but one resident has indicated attempts to reach Williamson have gone unanswered.
Line Item from 4/6 Council Workshop Meeting:

In addition, the meeting hosted by council President Hall, on Thursday, March 30th announcing the plan, failed to address many questions by residents.
Comments from post: Media Entertains Pocket Park
- Council doesn't know who'll pay for the park.
- Council doesn't know the cost of creating and maintaining the park.
- Council doesn't know if eventually basketball courts will be placed there.
- Council doesn't own the property yet.
- Council doesn't care if you object to a park being built essentially in existing residents' backyards.
- Council has zero sympathy for you if your quality of life will negatively be impacted by the park.
- Council has zero sympathy if your property value decreases.
- Council has no interest in correcting a property division mistake made years ago (properties were subdivided wrong).
Thursday's (4/20) meeting is at borough hall and starts at 8pm. We will provide a link to the council agenda, should one be posted before the meeting.
I live off 5th and Broomall, and I ain't upset that this could be turned into a park. ANYTHING but letting it turn into more houses, dear God, please.
ReplyDeleteThese people on council need to be shown the door. This is being shoved down our throats.
ReplyDeletePlease attend tomorrow's meeting.
Media deffinatly needs more parks! The choices are limited as a father of a 2 year old.
ReplyDeleteEducated guess here, but the borough will get first dibs on the lot. Why? Because the "owner" works for the borough and has a vested interest in them being first in line.
ReplyDeleteTo the father of a 2 year old - I'm with you on more parks, but not when it negatively impacts others' QOL and property values. It shouldn't be more houses, but I'd love to see a non-profit keep it an open and undeveloped space. You'd be surprised how many blue-jays, cardinals, robins, and other birds use that area to do whatever it is that birds do...
Is anyone aware of the nonsense that goes on at Media's elementary park after hours? Routinely? Nah, probably not, but I'm sure the Media police do.
ReplyDeleteYou want a park? Move to Middletown and have what they call a a personal park (Their lawn).
Anyone whining about how their lives are going to be negatively impacted because the council had the audacity to try to keep some greenspace in this town should move. Move to the suburbs or the exburbs or so you can sit inside your pretty little house and not have to care about anything but yourselves.
ReplyDeleteNope, it's you that's the selfish one my friend. Many of the people who live by the park have lived there 10+ years without a public park in their backyards. By public park, I mean an enclosed area with a 6 foot fence around it that may or may not eventually be a basketball court.
DeleteIt will drastically and negatively impact all of these people and, regardless of how they feel about it, their property values, all so you can have more "greenspace". I'm an owner who'll be impacted and I will sell to you at pre-park assessed value Mr. 8:13PM. You'll have the convenience of having a public park crow-bared into your backyard. Plus, an added bonus of everyone having the right to be in your backyard at all hours of the day/night.
Wow, ur dumb... Sell your house BEFORE its next to a park? Good lord, how did you even save up enough to buy a house? Parks INCREASE property values... Its rel estate 101...
DeleteIts honestly laughable how dumb you sound.
Wasn't that on a billboard in the movie Idocracy? "Parks INCREASE property values... Its rel estate 101...". I'm all for the park in my backyard if you'll put money in an escrow account to make up the difference in pre-park assessed value and post park assessed value. You can say whatever you like regarding the park when your personal space isn't being impacted.
DeleteLet me look at some real estate listings.... hold on....
DeleteI see a lot of them that say "walking distance to downtown shops, restaurants, Houtman Park, the Tot lot..."
What I don't see is: "House backs up to a vacant lot with delapidated fence!!!"
or "House is right next to three McMansions!!!"
Hmmm.. wonder why that is?
I'd love to put money in an escrow and you pay me the difference in pre-vs-post park values... You clearly have the internet.. why don't you do a little research to educate yourself before you spout off on something you clearly have no knowledge...
I'll help you out: here's a link: https://www.planning.org/cityparks/briefingpapers/economicdevelopment.htm
Key Points:
#1 Real property values are positively affected.
#2: Municipal revenues are increased.
#3: Affluent retirees are attracted and retained.
#4: Knowledge workers and talent are attracted to live and work.
#5: Homebuyers are attracted to purchase homes.
Here's another link:
Key Point:
Over 30 studies suggest that a positive impact of 20% on property values abutting or fronting a park is a good starting point.
Another link:
Key Point:
A review of fiscal impact analyses found that: Residential development typically resulted in a fiscal deficit; nonresidential development generated a fiscal surplus but attracted residential development; and open space was fiscally preferable to residential development and equal to or better than commercial and other nonresidential development.
I literally could go on and on and on....
Media is not a affluent Northern California city like Palo Alto you might have a point
DeleteBut their has been a bad track record
At the media school park after dark
Many parents that have young kids in the borough no this already
I lived on Orange street for ten years. This property was practically in my back yard. Much building has happened since I moved and I must say it would be nice to leave some open space in the area. I don't get why residents are upset. Would they rather have a home on the property, cause someone will eventually build something there. Basketball noise wouldn't be good but a garden and sitting park would be a lovely community asset.
ReplyDelete"Basketball noise wouldn't be good but a garden and sitting park would be a lovely community asset."
Anyone claiming this could or would be a basketball court is trying to distract from the issues at best, at worst, they are being deceitful.
DeleteBorough Council wanted to get RID of the basketball hoops at Media Elementary.. the fact that someone thinks they'd turn this lot INTO basketball courts is a laughable and asinine.
Just like the other idiot who keeps thinking this is going to be a "6 foot pen"... he's clearly never been to Houtman Park... no 6 ft pen there, but go ahead and keep trolling buddy.
Here's a picture of what it could look like... http://www.longandfoster.com/images/uploads/Recos/35009/Content/784286/landing_page_Linwood_105386_177539.jpg
Yea, god, that really would be terrible to have in Media!!!
What it could look like and what it will look like are two very different things. Brian Hall, I believe, was the one to say that it could end up being a basketball court. Also, the picture they showed at the meeting looked nothing like what it could look like, but it looked more like a 6ft high playpen.
DeleteWe can only provide input on what we want it to look like until after the Borough acquires it.. what do you want it to look like...
DeleteThis: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1_Z9m353c80/VI4knOr1JwI/AAAAAAAANto/f7EQZGMwKjg/s1600/hout4.jpg
Or This: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.9146969,-75.3851309,3a,75y,3.99h,93.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJ2npvLvLq9mIaZXdzHq84w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
That second one is what will happen if the Borough doesn't get it.
It's Mrs. 8:13, actually.... and aren't you the Chicken Little!
ReplyDeleteLet us know when your listing hits MLS.
To the owner selling the property, I hope you have a lawyer who has reviewed the agreements.
ReplyDeleteDibs on: "Friends of 5th Street Park"
ReplyDeleteToo soon?
If there is a lawyer out there reading this, what are the legal requirements for a park? Wouldn’t Broomall, Lincoln, and North Streets need sidewalks in order to access the park? Can a public park reside so close to residential homes? I’m all for a nice, aesthetically pleasing park, but I’ve walked the area and it’s uncomfortably close to those neighbors who live there. I saw neighbors not properly dressed, others smoking….I could write more but I won’t for the sake of privacy… I wouldn’t necessary want my kids seeing those things during a nice, relaxing picnic. Furthermore, if you walk that private area now, you will see cigarette butts, trash of all shapes and sizes, and dog feces. Knowing how my fellow neighbor’s disrespect my front lawn, It’s fair to assume that this public park will be worse.
ReplyDeleteIt’s strange for the borough to pick this particular place for a park. Based on the building boom that has occurred, there were other areas that would have been more accessible to more of the public in different locations.
If there is a council member reading this, what about the storm drain issues? How will the borough address that? What about the mosquito infestations that occur around all of the green space in Media…Tot Lot, Elementary park? From my understanding that area gets a lot of standing water since it isn’t properly draining. Do any of the grants address these issues? I would assume they don’t.
If there is a developer reading this, I would prefer houses being built. A developer would actually fix the storm water issues, the people moving in would be financially motivated to maintain their outdoor space. I have very little faith in the borough’s ability to maintain a beautiful park….haven’t seen one in the borough yet. I have even less faith in the public keeping that area neat….it’ll be like communist ideals….it’s everybody’s property and nobody’s property. It’s just inviting the public to throw more cigarette butts, trash, and dog poop into a larger space.
You think you've heard every excuse, but then someone says they don't want a park there because a neighbor was dressed 'inappropriately' and one of them smokes.... Wow
DeleteLet's carefully breakdown piece by piece your rambling statements...
DeleteIf there is a lawyer out there reading this, what are the legal requirements for a park?
- Borough Comprehensive plan calls for the creation and preservation of greenspace. This would fall under that, easily.
Wouldn’t Broomall, Lincoln, and North Streets need sidewalks in order to access the park? Can a public park reside so close to residential homes?
- Clearly you're no lawyer, the short answer is no. The longer answer is look it up in the Borough codes... the answer is still no.
I’m all for a nice, aesthetically pleasing park, but I’ve walked the area and it’s uncomfortably close to those neighbors who live there. I saw neighbors not properly dressed, others smoking….I could write more but I won’t for the sake of privacy… I wouldn’t necessary want my kids seeing those things during a nice, relaxing picnic.
- I can't even respond to this.
Furthermore, if you walk that private area now, you will see cigarette butts, trash of all shapes and sizes, and dog feces. Knowing how my fellow neighbor’s disrespect my front lawn, It’s fair to assume that this public park will be worse.
- No, it would be maintained by Borough officials, similar to how the area surrounding the Borough Hall is taken care of now.
It’s strange for the borough to pick this particular place for a park. Based on the building boom that has occurred, there were other areas that would have been more accessible to more of the public in different locations.
- Have you seen a map of Media? The NW corner of the Borough has no parks, and this is one of the largest remaining unbuilt lots in the borough.. Its a lot cheaper to build a park if you don't have to demolish homes first.
If there is a council member reading this, what about the storm drain issues? How will the borough address that? What about the mosquito infestations that occur around all of the green space in Media…Tot Lot, Elementary park? From my understanding that area gets a lot of standing water since it isn’t properly draining. Do any of the grants address these issues?
- Wrong. The green space grants would provide for proper maintenance and enable the space to drain appropriately. Building on this lot, on the other hand, would exacerbate the drainage problem... because both the houses built and driveways are impervious surfaces... you ever hear that term before?
I would assume they don’t.
- You know what they say about assuming.
If there is a developer reading this, I would prefer houses being built. A developer would actually fix the storm water issues, the people moving in would be financially motivated to maintain their outdoor space.
- This is where you start being incoherent... just a paragraph above you said you'd be all for a nice, aesthetically pleasing park.
I have very little faith in the borough’s ability to maintain a beautiful park….haven’t seen one in the borough yet.
- Have you seen Houtman since the renovations?
I have even less faith in the public keeping that area neat….
it’ll be like communist ideals….it’s everybody’s property and nobody’s property. It’s just inviting the public to throw more cigarette butts, trash, and dog poop into a larger space.
- No words... take a walk around the Borough, we're not living on a trash heap
It'll be well maintained and the residents of the area will see to take care of it. It will be a valued community resource.
To the owners or owner .
ReplyDeleteBy all means you may be a borough employee but please don't trust your employer or any attorney they might provide
to you or your family you must do what's financially right for you and your family and stop listening to anyone pressuring you even if it is your employer - Media Borough
Council supported 161 unit appartment building and 24 + townhouse at the west end of town, granting waivers for both. Why would new homes at this location, built in accordance with current zoning requirements be a bad thing? FYI - Rosetree school district enrollment has increased by 24 students from 2010 thru 2017 and we have seen a lot of new home built in the district since 2010. School taxes collected from those new homes has substaintially exceeded the cost of those 24 new students.
ReplyDeleteHousing is good for the community and new homes pay substaintially more taxes then an existing home. How many people would a community garden or basketball court serve? If you want a garden, go to Rose Tree Park, they have space for adjacent to Rose Tree Road.
We get it Vince.. you and your family want to survey, build, and design a hulking monstrosity here in everyone's backyards... No conflict of interest to see here!!
DeleteCouncil supported 161 unit appartment building and 24 + townhouse at the west end of town, granting waivers for both. Why would new homes at this location, built in accordance with current zoning requirements be a bad thing? FYI - Rosetree school district enrollment has increased by 24 students from 2010 thru 2017 and we have seen a lot of new home built in the district since 2010. School taxes collected from those new homes has substaintially exceeded the cost of those 24 new students.
ReplyDeleteHousing is good for the community and new homes pay substaintially more taxes then an existing home. How many people would a community garden or basketball court serve? If you want a garden, go to Rose Tree Park, they have space for adjacent to Rose Tree Road.
I figured I would get this responce from "anonymous". Typical, attack the messager and not the message, it's easy and takes no thought.
ReplyDeleteVince, do or do you not have a conflict of interest if you and your family own a multidiscipline civil engineering design and consulting firm?
ReplyDeleteVince, are you or are you not listed as Principal at EV Properties LLC.... a professional residential leasing and management services in Delaware County Pennsylvania??
Difficult to rent/lease out green space, no? Would you consider that a conflict of interest?
Anonymous, there is no conflict of interest. I guess if you throw enough stuff against the wall maybe something will stick. My comments are based on living in the borough since 1999.
ReplyDeletePennoni Associates is an employee owned company, it is not and never has been "family owned". EV has no affiliation with Pennoni Associates, never has been; me and a friend bought an abandon house that was falling down in Nether Providence Twp and re-build a small house on the same lot in 2006-2007. I also have other development projects in other states and counties that are not affiliated with Pennoni.
Concerned citizens, regardless of their profession or the company they work for should be actively involved in the community.
Trash the messenge all you want, that does not change my opinion that buying that parcel is a waste of tax payer money.
What if the purchase/maintenance price for the land was completely reimbursable through grants that seek to preserve green space, thus no tax dollars being used?
DeleteIf you followed through with that logic, how would ANY parks get built?
Yes I'm anonymous but for reasons
DeleteMentioned earlier this town is so small there would reparations
From media borough say if I filed for a bldg permit,etc.
No park please even if paid for from a grant
Media Borough has not shown they can maintain what they have
the dam project, olive street garage
With damage to it, I'm sure there are more examples
AnonymousApril 20, 2017 at 1:23 PM
DeleteWhat if the purchase/maintenance price for the land was completely reimbursable through grants that seek to preserve green space, thus no tax dollars being used?
Are you that dense? Where do you think the grant money comes from?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow come it was never divulged to the public at the 8 pm 4/20/17 meeting to vote on the 5th and broomall agreement of sale that the owner is a Borough of Media Emplyee - that seems like a conflict of interest
DeleteAnonymous, there is no conflict of interest. My comments are based on living in the borough since 1999.
ReplyDeletePennoni Associates is an employee owned company, it is not and never has been "family owned". EV has no affiliation with Pennoni Associates, never has; me and a friend (EV Property) bought one abandon house on Ronaldson Ave in Nether Providence Twp and re-build a small house on the same lot in 2006-2007.
Citizens, regardless of their profession or the company they work for should be actively involved in the community.
Trash the messenge all you want, that does not change my opinion that buying that parcel is a waste of tax payer money.
How would any parks get built then with that logic?
DeletePark passed 5-2. Rewarding the nonpaying "owner" of the lot $350k. Plus, supposedly, the $40k in back taxes on the lot.
ReplyDeleteHope the "owner" pays the $75k owned on the house before we are forced to buy that too.
Must be nice living on the taxpayers' dime while being paid by the same taxpayers as an employee of the borough.
Every resident that spoke at the council meeting on 4/20/17 asked council NOT to enter into an agreement to purchase the property, including the people who live next to the property. Council voted, 5-2, to spend $350,000 (not including the usual closing costs and due diligence studies) to purchase the property. Council has no idea what the property will be used for or what it will cost the tax payers to maintain the property.
ReplyDeleteCouncil stated that they sent out “notice to the residence of Media” about the purchase, however it only went to residence within 500’ of the property, not the entire borough that will pay for the property. Council also stated that the residence who attended the “special meeting” where in support of the purchase, however no one from the audience spoke in favor of the purchase. The purchase price was not disclosed to anyone prior to last night.
I would like to thank councilman Paul Robinson for explaining to the audience how the agreement of sale was negotiated in private, without input from the entire council or the residence of Media. He also reminded everyone that there will be substantial cost to maintain any type of park and the parcel will, when purchased for open space, pay no property taxes to the borough, county or school district.
FYI – even if the borough gets a grant from the state (they have a “budget crisis” in case you have not heard) it will only be for 50% of the purchase price and will not be awarded until the fall. There is no guarantee that the grant will be approved.
Vince thank you for your posts
DeleteAnd for encouraging the public to
Attend the meetings
You think the State is the only source of grants? How about you Google before try to deceive... here, I'll help you out Vince...
Do you need anymore links do you think that is a good starting point?
Can a legal challenge be brought against the borough of media ?
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't public referendums used in cases like this, wherein the entire borough
votes on large spending projects such as a
"Passive park"
Hahah a legal challenge with what standing? Where were you when the Borough had many, many public hearings and meetings on the drafting of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan... You know, the plan that guides future actions of the Borough in terms of transportation, land use, recreation, and housing? It was adopted after a two year process, and is legally binding in terms of what it allows Council to do..
DeleteOr are you just trolling?