Proposed lot for a small park at the corner of 5th and Broomall Street |
There will be many topics to discuss in this year's Media Borough Council election, but one rising to the forefront quickly is the lively agreement/disagreement on the borough entertaining the desire to put a small park at 5th and Broomall Streets.
You may have read about that briefly on this blog, but at the request of a "stakeholder", I agreed to remove the post.

Last Thursday a meeting was held at borough hall to discuss the matter and what was mentioned as an "unusual" opportunity Media has with putting a park at this location. It's still not clear what's meant by "unusual" but if it involves money/taxes, that will need to be explained and fully disclosed. I'm not the only one looking for clarity on this potential deal, as lawyers and developers have called me asking for the same thing. I'm not sure what the dealings are, but there are few people who would like to have a shot at this property and I'm pretty sure they'll outbid Media Borough.
Just as important, residents have been active with stating their positions as well on issues regarding financing, size, property values, fairness, parking, development and what if any nuisance a park like this may add to the street. This has a long way yet to go, but who we haven't heard from yet are the 6 candidates running for Media Borough Council. Where do they stand on this issue and when will they release their positions to be discussed?
Here are the candidates the community would like to hear from. We are happy to post their statements on the matter.
Endorsed Media Democrats:
Unendorsed Democrats:
Amy Johnson, Lisa Johnson |
What would blow my mind is that Borough Council didn't lock up an LOI with the landowner (estate) before discussing it with the Residents of the area. Announcing the possibility of the Borough obtaining it by mailing a letter to all area residents would surely drum up enough interest to have someone go knock on the door of 118 W Fifth St and try to beat the Borough's offer.
ReplyDeleteIf the Borough doesn't have an LOI and they were literally just thinking about putting an offer down, say, next week or whatever, well, they probably blew their shot....
You're right, that would blow a normal person's mind, but we're dealing with a council who is beyond incompetent. Not surprised at all they F'd this up.
DeleteYep, agree.
DeleteTo be fair, I have no knowledge on whether on LOI was signed before they sent the mailers out... the LOI could've even said something like "deal contingent on simple majority of residents impacted by the park approving Borough purchase" or something to that effect.
... I mean, Brian Hall is a lawyer, you would think they teach this in law school...
Aren't Hall and his crew still technically in contempt of court over 3rd Street Dam? How do these people get elected?!?!?! Are we sure he's a lawyer?
ReplyDeleteThe two properties have over 100K in delinquent taxes to Media, DelCo and the school district not to mention and other possible liens. Media, is not the only Lien holder here, so its a far cry to assume they will be able to obtain this property.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, Media has yet to do anything with the land on Balt pike at the bottom of the hill leaving media. There was a full study and plan for the use and funding split between Media, Upper Providence and Middletown.
Are you sure Delaware County wouldn't be for a pocket park here though?
DeletePer the Delaware County 2035 - , a Comprehensive Policy Framework Plan, that establishes an overall vision for the future of the County through the year 2035 their objective LU4 states:
"Preserve, connect, and expand greenways and open space to protect natural and historic resources, and promote healthy lifestyles."
How about a skate park? When is that going to happen? What gets me, is that the crappy police we have pass out fines to kids on skateboards at the playground, but in the ordinance it reads no skateboards or scooters. My kid and his friends have been given fines however, the crappy cops we have turn a blind eye to other restrictions written in the ordinance. I think it is a ridiculous ordinance, but if it is going to be in place at least give the kids who enjoy this sport or use it as transportation a place to practice.
ReplyDeleteThe cops are crappy for enforcing the law, or just ones you don't agree with? Do you have any idea how much damage is done by skateboards?
DeleteWhich is why it would make sense to give the kids who participate in this sport a place to practice.
DeleteWho did the letter go to? I live in the boro and never saw it.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't sent to everyone in the Borough, just a certain radius from the site.
DeleteAs one being directly impacted by the council/mayor of Media and the proposed park. It's about how it was presented. Everyone wants to feel relevant and that they have a voice, especially when it comes to personal or QOL issues. The borough and most government officials really don't care what the people want. It's gross that even at the local level our elected officials clearly do what's in their best interest. Elections aren't the answer - I think the borough needs to be America's first true Democracy - eliminate the council/mayor and have referendums on issues such as this park, West End Flats, WaWs, etc...just a thought - by the way, the park sounds great on paper, but in a perfect world it should go to a non-profit and keep it undeveloped. Peace
ReplyDeleteRight and please change the media slogan from Americas first fair trade town to Americas first true democracy. The way our charlatan media borough officials ( not police officers conduct business is sad
DeleteCan elect Vince Pennoni for mayor ?
ReplyDeleteThings like this wouldn't happen if Vince ran things
Things like this becoming a park? Vince was on the task force that came up with the Delaware County Open Space, Recreation, and Greenway Plan...
Deleteone of the main objectives was to "Preserve, connect, and expand greenways and open space to protect natural and historic resources, and promote healthy lifestyles." as it says above.
Oh you meant the lack of communication and forthrightness of both Mayor and Council? Well then yes, I concur.
amen I'm an engineer and deal with facts and principles I don't know what I've hired Pennoni Assocaites for civil work yes the petty games Media Borogh plays and lack of commiivation communication is very troubling
DeleteIf media borough officials acted like this in the private sector they wouldn't have lucrative po's renewed and would be shown the door
Maybe Media Boro should be invited to this discussion. The comments here are making more sense and maybe more progress than last Thursday's meeting.
ReplyDeleteIf the boro is to purchase this property why not purchase the vacant lot across the street from my house, or every vacant lot in the boro. Who wouldn’t want to live next door to open space.
ReplyDeleteI predict that the boro will be raising our taxes rather soon, we are spending way too much money right now.
I was at an open space task force meeting for Delaware County, not sure if that makes me a part of the task force or not. One thing I did take away from that meeting is that municipalities that have purchased open space have faced budget problems, there are more costs to maintain the property after it is purchased.
I can assuage your concerns. Media Borough ain't raising taxes anytime soon -- they are about to get an influx of 200+ residents from West End Walk and Flats, not too mention the other units coming on board on the eastern side of town. They make their money through the 1% wage tax.. and not all those new residents are going to work in Phila..
DeleteSecond, the largest tax burden on your property isn't the millage from the Borough, or the County, its the school district... guess what happens when you build out on those empty lots? You increase the number of kids, which increases enrollment in the schools, increasing your tax burden. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Last, that vacant lot on 5th and Broomall, has severe tax debts... meaning, the Borough, County, and SD have all budgeted for those tax dollars for x-number of years, and yet, haven't rec'd any... Purchasing this property, getting reimbursed through open space grants..ain't gonna raise your or my taxes. We already "paying" for it as is, since we're not getting tax dollars from it anyway.
Anonymous - April 18, 2017 at 10:35 AM
DeleteThat vacant lot on 5th and Broomall's owner also has a severe debt on their house, which is almost double the lot's tax debt. Why isn't the borough, county, or school district addressing this issue as well? How long does the government allow the rest of the community to be burdened with someone else's tax debt?
Give the lot to a non-profit or make it into a park. It's one of the largest undeveloped lots in the borough and would be a shame to see it be developed into more houses.
The above comment says it all
ReplyDeleteMedia boro council members both endorsed
And not endorsed should take note
Too much spending, too many failed projects, and collectively have an attitude of we'll do whatever we want
"It's one of the largest undeveloped lots in the borough and would be a shame to see it be developed into more houses"
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, wholeheartedly.
A small community garden could go there as nutrition initiative, where a collective local kids help maintain and sell their produce at local farmer's market. I know people are only thinking in monetary capital on here.