Thursday, August 17, 2017

Here's what the new Media CVS Pharmacy will look like.

Here's what the new Media CVS Pharmacy will look like.  Preparations are underway to put this building at the location of 301 E Baltimore Ave (between Radnor Street and Manchester Avenue).  No word yet on when construction will begin.

Footprint as of 8/17/17


  1. Great more opportunities to put small pharmacys out of business and to sell more
    Non fair-trade sundries

  2. Did you hear that? OUCH! Those townhomes across Franklin St. just dropped 20% in value. More if this CVS is open 24/7. Addios, Media!

    1. It's media. No land left unturned. They knew it was coming. Just as something will go where McDonald's was. Eventually a business will be there

    2. Nattering nabobs of negativism.

  3. Media borough just can't so no to developers and the resulting money
    This land was owned by media real estate one would presume and why they need some much parking males no sense
    Another Robinson discenting deal to make it appear the borough was looking out for existing residents

    1. I've seen people from the Media Real Estate office yell at people for parking in THEIR lot and walking over to the existing CVS because the CVS lot is full. I guess they want to make sure that doesn't happen.

      And geez, proofread your posts, "parking males"

    2. There is nothing they can do. It's zoned commercial. They pay high taxes for that property. You can't charge high taxes for land, then not allow anything to go there.

    3. Why is everyone who posts posting as "Anonymous".

  4. NO MORE CVS's!! We have one on every corner--enough already!! They are way over-priced, too!

  5. NO MORE CVS's!!! We have one on every corner as it is--enough already! And, they're over-priced, too!

  6. Media borough approved things like this that affect quality of life for residents should be voted on by everyone not a elect group
    Of council people with no architectural, engineering , or even general building knowledge

  7. Empty lot few years back it was a converted car dealership and some run down homes..not like some Virgin open space is being built on
