Monday, January 29, 2018

West Chester Rail Line Restoration Feasibility Study

The open house last Thursday hosted by Septa and PennDot was well attended by many people eager to see and discuss the project's potential.  There weren't any formal speakers scheduled, but plenty of information was shown throughout the lobby explaining timelines, goals/objectives, cost estimates, and conclusions. 

One update that I wasn't aware of until Thursday, was that the plan includes cost estimates for two tracks.  I wasn't aware that was a possibility but costs were presented side-by-side comparing two tracks to one.  Doubling the capacity makes a lot of sense in areas where it can be done.

Formal recommendations from the study are expected in March as mentioned by one of the project officials I spoke to.  Despite the compelling arguments and facts supporting need, feasibility and future use; the biggest factor will come down to cost and who will pay for it. 

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