Sunday, March 11, 2018

Tempers flare outside of Trader Joe's as political party solicits signatures for petitions

Things became a bit tense on Saturday on the sidewalk outside of Trader Joe's as signatures were being solicited for political candidates.  I received complaints that the size and position of the solicitors were making passage on the walkway challenging, along with blocking the entrance to the Veteran's Museum.  After a pedestrian requesting the group to move, which led to the threat of police assistance and a complaint from the Veteran's Museum, one of the volunteers angrily called the pedestrian "scum of the earth."

Don't politicize Media's Trader Joe's!


  1. Tedman------ Please stop the "FAKE News". This is impossible everyone knows.....When they go low we go the Democrat's motto.

  2. Did the solictors have a permit ?

  3. How is asking for signatures to get candidates on the ballot a problem? They only sought registered Democratic voters. If you weren't a registered Democrat, then you just had to say no.

    1. If you solicit to the public you need to obtain a permit that's all do what you want but get a permit

    2. In the past 10 years, I have never known of a permit to solicit signatures for a Candidate (be it Republican, Democratic, Independent)How much does this permit cost? It's always been taking your chances until you are asked to leave. This is America, the land of freedom. If someone asks you, Who do you endorse....let them sign and move on. This is not harassment, this is CHOICE. Many people are passionate about their choices. That's what it is all about. Live and Let Live.

  4. My interaction:
    “Are you a registered Democrat?”
    “Thank you”

    I actually asked on the way out what they were asking for. As a independent I wish I could vote in the primaries.

  5. I always thought it was the goal to have people running for office and soliciting signatures. No?

  6. I always thought it was the right of the people to solicit signatures of their candidate of choice. I now understand that there is a permit required. Where would said Permit be obtained, and how much does it cost?
