Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Media Democrats come out in support of Socialist Candidate Kristin Seale

Media Democrats come out in support of Socialist Candidate Kristin Seale who is running against Chris Quinn for the PA 168th State Rep Seat.


  1. Good timing. I was reading the article below and it reminded me of Media, of course on a much larger scale. We have a lot broken infrastructure, but at least we have bike lanes, well sort of. I keep waiting for someone, anyone to show me where socialism has worked.


  2. Hey, dude! The whole developed world has socialized health care, except us. They spend less and get better outcomes for more people. Did you hear the report this week that the US is the most dangerous developed country for a woman to give birth in?

    1. Where was that report?

      Maybe they included all the number abortions we have in this country, which is also the highest number in the world.

    2. What report did you read that said they spend less? The average income tax rate in those countries approaches 50%. Not to mention everyone pays taxes there and only 50% of the USA pays taxes. Most importantly, their economy is a free market with socialist government programs. They all pay on average $100,000 a year in taxes for free school and healthcare. I'll let you reflect on how much you spend every year on school and healthcare insurance....

    3. USA Today did the investigation that concluded the US was the "most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world." I heard about it on KYW.

      As for the US spending more on health care and getting worse outcomes than other developed countries, it's pretty common knowledge. You don't need to read a special report. For example, 10 seconds research on Google uncovered this:


    4. You didn't really reply about the "Americans spending more" part. That's simply not true. Per capita, the average American pays less when you account for taxes. Obviously Americans pay more OOP than socialist countries, because they tax you at 50% to pay for the "free" programs.

      And the birth stats you keep referencing are true, but explained by many other studies. The US has a massive poverty disparity that the other countries in the developed world do not. Those complications are staggeringly weighted towards those the impoverished (see link below for a source). So to say we pay more for worse care is not really a "true" statement at all. Some aspects of our healthcare system are worse, some are better than "free" healthcare countries. It's not fair to paint with this broad brush you are trying to. For instance, the US has a higher rate of seeing a Dr next day than Canada.

      Regardless, again, none of those countries you reference are socialist. The UK, Canada, Switzerland all are free market capitalism with a move government controlled system of healthcare. Since the original post and comment was about "where has socialism worked", referencing countries with 1 aspect of their nation that is semi-socialist is hardly a response to that. Socialism has always failed everywhere it was implemented. That's really the end of the story.


  3. Winner of party's primary receives support of party; how earth shattering..............

  4. The Media Dems have gone too far supporting a socialist candidate. This isn't good for this community and the D's could loose control to something far, far left of them.

    1. Very dishonest post. She is not a socialist candidate, and you know that. I think maybe this is enough of this blog for me.

    2. She literally has said she is supportive of and would collaborate with the Democratic Socialists of America if elected @Anonymous. Google search her interview with "Medium"

  5. Sad that this blog has to resort to these labels rather than actually addressing a candidate's stance on issues.

  6. A long time ago I think it was Bill Maher who asked Bernie Sanders what it meant to be a socialist. Sanders said socialism was the idea that people have certain rights — like a right to education, a right to healthcare, breathable air, etc — that aren’t just the outcome of market forces and require social democratic intervention in the economy.

    I was reading today about how dangerous levels of RoundUp have been found in many popular cereals and can’t help reflecting on how commercial expediency outweighs the value of human health once again...
