Monday, July 16, 2018

Public Notice: West End Flats LLC is requesting a zoning variance (444 W. Baltimore Ave.) for a 112 square foot sign where only a 50 square foot is allowed.

UPDATE (7/24/18): It's been reported that Media Borough Council at the 7/19 monthly borough meeting, voted to not oppose the request from West End Flats LLC for a bigger sign.

Public Notice: West End Flats LLC is requesting a zoning variance (444 W. Baltimore Ave.) for a 112 square foot sign where only a 50 square foot is allowed.  

The meeting is scheduled for July 26, 2018 at 7pm in the Council Chambers at the Media Municipal Center, 301 N. Jackson Street, Media, PA 19063


  1. The building is big enough what do they need a larger sign for
    What they build is an elevated crosswalk
    Over Baltimore pike when the 500 plus residents move in it will create a safety issue for pedestrians

  2. Shouldn't Bob Scott's name be on this public notice ? Or is thus been delagated to the part time staff ?

  3. Is Jim Jeffrey still an employee of media borough some planning professionals said he was on his way out ?

  4. Is the zoning officer going to be included in the federal law suit BLCC versus Media Borough

  5. Typical of the media borough code officer
    They take an ad for mudane things like this yet give no notice in writing for important meetings like the pocket park and
    Residential construction projects that would and should involve zoning hearing board meetings. Favoritism corruption and collusion by media borough not good business practice

    1. You might want to be sure you understand the rules and requirements for posting different meetings before making statements like this, just saying.

  6. I don't see the need for having a sign that's more than twice the size of what's allowed.

  7. media employees are either really incompetent and indifferent or really busy....they only serve themselves and their friends at the expense of all the residents. time for hope and change!!!!

    1. Given how disconnected the mayor seems at council meetings rarely speaking about anything of importance, it's no surprise the employees seem to do as they please and come and go as they please

  8. Anon 7/21 spot on James Jeffrey is really good at pretending there isn't a problem and
    Routinely ignores residents time for a change

  9. I am sure it is already a done deal. As is everything else in Media. The Notice is just window dressing.

  10. Don't even waste your time attending Zoning meeting. In the minutes for Boro Council meeting 7/19 Council voted to NOT OPPOSE VARIENCE REQUEST
    seems as of a BIG ASS SIGN is coming.

    1. Don't worry, whatever large "gateway" monument Media intends to place near the monolith - I mean the West End Flats - will certainly overshadow a 100 foot sign. As Zoning Ordinance Amendments provision LD14.3 directs: "Each gateway should have a distinctive monument, such as a Pier," Examples on page 31 of the actual document. West End Gateway Monuments were first discussed on Feb 23, 2016 in the Community Development Committee.
