Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Media Borough Republicans allege campaign sign stealing


  1. Hi Ted. I am regular reader of your bog. Thanks for providing the information you do.

    This comment doesn’t pertain to this post so you don’t have to approve it. But I was unsure how else to get in touch….

    I was wondering if you could perhaps post a message to your followers encouraging them to sign up to the Borough newsletter. I stumbled upon this newsletter a few months ago and I think it is really informative. I know that it is written by the current council “the other side lol”, which might not share all of our political views. But after reading a few issues of the newsletter, I find that it is not very partisan and it actually has some good information, like the schedule for meetings and other happenings. I have seen on your blog that people sometimes wonder why they weren’t “in the know” about certain things like meetings or council decisions. This monthly newsletter might help.

    Can you consider encouraging your readers to sign up? Might be good for everyone to be all on the same page about certain happenings and events that impact us all.

    Here is the sing up link: https://mediaborough.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=3ee0d09ad34a6d94fce38684c&id=9eff8f2461

    Thanks for you consideration

  2. Please tell us what makes Kristin Seale an energy conservation expert ?
