Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Propositioned by a prostitute at the Media Wawa in the middle of the day. Yes, you read that right!

Like I told the Media Police Department, I don’t know exactly how to explain this, but like those who follow this page; it’s important that I inform you of what happened. 

Last week while I was at the new Wawa in Media getting gas a woman popped out from the front of my truck and gave an enthusiastic “Heellooo there.”  Not recognizing her, but thinking that she somehow knew me by her interaction, I say “hi” back.  Nothing abnormal about that exchange, but she continued to approach me with a big smile and asked if I could help her.  Now, 100 out of 100 times when something like this happens at a gas station, it usually ends up being a regrettable experience - this was no different.

After reluctantly hearing her story for a ride to Springfield Mall to pick up her car that was being repaired, because she missed the trolley which runs every twenty minutes, I tersely agreed to give her a ride a few miles down the road.  Maybe it was one of those bumper stickers that say “Random acts of kindness” that subconsciously made me think I was doing the right thing.  It was a weekday mid-morning and even though I had to be somewhere, I try to help out as many people as I can.  #blessed.

Well, no sooner after the initial pleasantries were concluded and we’re driving down the road she told me she may not have enough money to cover the bill.  I’m not going into details, but her ideas of creatively raising the money between Media and Springfield were grossly inappropriate, to say the least.  Now having a situation on my hands, I knew clearly there was no car to be fixed or gas station to be taken to.  I told her, “This conversation is over.”  I then said rather assertively, “I’m not going to drop you on the site of the road, but you need to pick a public place where you can get out.”  That ended up being Drexeline shopping center.

Now, I could rant on about this incident, the shootout at Springfield Mall last weekend, traffic, diminishing open space, how much urbanization has changed the area (good or bad); but who really cares anymore?  Speaking from experience, it's much easier to just leave.


  1. This is the 'affordable housing' dreck that Media Socialists (er, Dems) are concerned will be displaced by the demolition of the Raven. I say 'buh-bye'.....can't happen soon enough.

    1. Do you get some kind of sticker for being the first person to somehow make this the fault of the "Dems"? Wow, you're so talented.

    2. Con artists, Gypsies, tramps and thieves are successful preying on sheltered suburbanites, and they don't live in the community.

  2. Everybody knows a Wawa parking lot attracts crime and transients who do drugs etc. It will get better when the Acme can sell alcohol and so can the "mystery" restaurant, and maybe Starbucks too. I heard Nether Providence is set to remove that restriction on alcohol this week.

    1. Maybe "Anonymous" sees Wawa parking lots full of criminal transients doing drugs because he's one of them. Does anyone else see that? No? If you do, Anonymous' answer is to make alcohol more available and cheaper at the Acme.

    2. Ask any police department. Wawa parking lots are a magnet for criminal activity. Your belief does not negate reality.

  3. When is media borough as stipulated in previous posts getting wawa to meet their end of the bargain with the traffic patterns and turn lanes. Media Borough never seems to follow up on anything this is just one more example

    1. Media has filed an eminent domain/condemnation complaint with the Common Pleas court. 2018-006806 filed august 24th

    2. I guess media Borough is usually not good at keeping their word as the public has seen with third street bridge
      And can't get wawa to hold up what they said they were going to do concerning the traffic layout around the media store no wonder they have to go to court really dissapointing media borough can't handle these projects better

    3. It appears that the eminent domain complaint asks to condemn some property. It would seem this is for the purpose of enabling the extra lane. I wonder why it took this long for the Borough to file it? I always wondered how another lane would be squeezed in.

  4. Completely agree that loss of open space is the problem here.

  5. Since when is Drexeline Shopping center on the way to Springfield Mall from Media?

    1. It's not. But the driver courteously allowed the woman to choose a public place to drop her off, instead of just dropping her on the road, as noted in the article. So he obviously drove a little further to accommodate her choice.

      From the article:

      'I then said rather assertively, “I’m not going to drop you on the site of the road, but you need to pick a public place where you can get out.” That ended up being Drexeline shopping center.'
