Friday, January 18, 2019

Media Borough Council rescinds highly controversial MERC Zoning. Federal litigation dropped by BLCC

Last night during the monthly meeting, Media Borough Council rescinded their highly controversial MERC zoning decision returning the BLCC property back to R2 status.  This, in turn, ended the Federal litigation brought about by BLCC.  

Much to the dismay of the Friends of the Glen Providence Park leaders and Councilwoman Lisa Johnson, the highly contentious meeting gave way to a shouting match.  At one point the meeting was stopped and an executive session called in order to work out the issue.

The short of it: the planning of the work to repair the bridge has resumed.  Nothing is really expected to happen until 2020.  Then again, Media Borough Council has been anything but truthful with their handling of the matter.  As far as anyone knows, they are still in Contempt of Court over their lack of progress. At one point, a former member of council was even caught providing a website for an opposition group who was actively lobbying council against repairing of Third Street Bridge.  The reasons why this project hasn't be completed are plain to see - personal agendas over the good of the community. 

With every inch of land being developed in and around Media, it's probably not long before developers serious look at what can be done with the property.


  1. I'm confused. This blurb seems to be mixing the MERC zoning issue with the issue of Third Street Bridge completion. While the parties are the same and the locations are close, these are not the same issues.

  2. "With every inch of land being developed in and around Media, it's probably not long before developers serious look at what can be done with the property."

    Forested slopes and wetlands; zero development should be permitted on this property beyond a re-tasking of the existing buildings.

  3. media Boroghs is very petty retaliating against BLCC for getting them held in contempt of court with a flash rezoning of BLCC to MERC very petty and seeds a clear message that people in media borough have been in office for too long that their arrogance leads them to flash rezone private property the Mayor council and the code enforcement director all need to stop
    Vindictive and frankly lazy attitude towards serious issues

  4. This is the reality of municipal government. Did you know that the Empire State Building was completed, in the middle of Manhattan, in 13 months at the height of the Great Depression? And yet Media cannot resolve this in 20 years.

    1. It would make sense to just furlough the Borough manger and code enforcement staff since they appear to lack good judgement and don't appear to perform their jobs in a dilliigent manner council folk and the mayor aren't paid positons so they unfortunately couldn't get furloughed

  5. It's time for a new perspective on Borough Council. Democrats have had all 7 Borough Council positions for the past 9 years. When there were Republicans on the board we saw progress on the 3rd Street bridge, that was about 9 years ago. If you want progress on this bridge we need Republicans.

  6. Does this mean that the MERC spot zoning was indeed arbitrary and capricious? And does it say to citizens that the Borough believes it is entitled to act in this way, unless they are stopped with a lawsuit? I think this is the message, clearly. And, I believe it speaks volumes as to why the Third Street Bridge matter remains unresolved.

  7. Indeed it does state that the borough
    Leadership Jeff Smith and council people and code enforcement are arbitrary and capricous many examples where
    Some political favor of someone interveines
    In good judgement or the written building code of the borough . It does matter of course your voting registration if you'll get any response from media borough that's how petty it's become
