Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baltimore Pike Traffic Flow....and are stop signs now optional?

Baltimore Pike Traffic Flow
This week I received another complaint regarding the mystery over the traffic flow on Baltimore Pike.  Recently the CMAC project was completed which allowed for new signs and more importantly, the ability to alter traffic patterns via the computer linked traffic lights.

I'm not sure what kind of PENNDOT reporting is offered to the borough to evaluate patterns, but it would be a good topic to have the Public Safety department comment on.  Millions of dollars were spent for this project, so it would be good to be reassured that the traffic lights have been calibrated properly.

Is a stop sign needed at 4th and N. Orange St.?

The other issue this week was the need for a  4-way stop sign at 4th and Orange.  If you've noticed, it's the only intersection that doesn't have one along Orange St.  I thought about this too, as if you're not paying attention you either begin to stop at the intersection thinking there is a stop sign; or you begin to pull out thinking the opposing traffic has a stop sign, which it doesn't.  Either way, I'm surprised there haven't been more accidents here.  I don't think stop signs are the solution to all traffic issues, but for continuity, it may make for a good argument to put one here.

Speaking of stop signs, does anyone here in Media use them?  Just yesterday while making a left turn on to Jackson from 6th St, I saw a silver Toyota Camry go right through the stop sign with barely a reduction in speed, let alone a full STOP.  It was mid-afternoon and the vehicle seemed to be more concerned if anyone of consequence was watching, before driving right through not one, but two stop signs on Jackson St.   Monroe Street has been just as bad if not worse.  I suspect a lot of the town has these same issues.   I'm so tired of talking about this that I may volunteer for the Media Police Department to help enforce traffic safety.  I'm serious about that.  I don't know if they have such a program, but something has to be done.

In addition, North Olive Street residents are at their wits end with the speeding that happens along this street.  Especially between 8th St. and Ridge Rd.  They've already told me they're ready to do a petition drive to bring further focus to this issue.
Notorious traffic speeding between N. Olive and Ridge Rd.

Poll Taken on Feb 2012


  1. Ted I could not agree more with your noting the obvious traffic violations. I live on West fourth street and the speeding and blown stops signs are beyond ridiculous. In addition, the U-turns on State street and three point turns along Orange near State are out of control.

  2. 4th and Orange is bad, I agree! I went to the police about this, it is made worse by the lines painted on the street implying that there is a stop for people on Orange. I saw a school bus assume that Orange had a stop.

  3. Correct information please! While the hardware is in place, the software is not...and I've had my own complaints (which at this point would be more properly characterised as suggestions).

    Contact Mr. Smith ( with your input. He'll forward it to (wherever it goes) and put you input on the 'punch list' for finishing the project. Bellyacheing here does no good.

  4. Edgemont ave is also a problem as cars are flying through stop signs. From my observation, the majority of these drivers are not from town. I'd love to see Media Police sit at stop signs along Edgemont again.

    Paul Orndorf, your match in Wrestlemania I was the stuff of legends.

  5. Mr 1derful, can you tell me how to get to Jackson from 3rd street?

  6. more stop signs....nobody pays attention to them anyway..

  7. Thank you so much for this post! I live right off of Orange street, and I've seen cops ticketing violators since this article!
