Earlier this year it was found that one councilman missed 5 consecutive MBA meetings he is the chair of.
This is a committee that receives approximately $75, 000 in taxpayer
money and yet he didn’t feel the need to show up for almost have the year. In 2011, he missed half the meetings.
If it’s true he’s been told he doesn’t have to show up, I’d
like to know who decided this. If you
hold a PAID position in this borough or anywhere, you’re expected to be there. Period.
It hasn’t even been a year and we’ve seen, one Media councilman found supplying a website to a group that’s lobbying him and this borough on a multimillion project. Not only was the site never disclosed to the public, but is in alignment with his view of the project. Is that a fair representation of the community?
Another councilman was found to have angrily called an RTM official to openly complain their need to officially discuss the Third Street Bridge repair. A bridge crucial to students living in the Woodlands development, He even prepared and read a statement at a council meeting which embarrassingly insulted BLCC, RTM, Middletown and Upper Providence residents who were interested in the outcome of Third Street Bridge.
As Democrats, Republicans and Independents, we all need to work
together and speak up for what is right and expected of our elected officials.
This is by far the most closed door local government I have ever lived under. I would not have moved here if I would have known that the local politicians have no interest in their constituents welfare. I am hesitant to call the borough for anything, in the past they have attempted to intimidate me for requesting that they address legitimate concerns, e.g., sidewalks, water run off, parking, etc. An inclusive motto and strong (private) business district does not indicate that all is well in "Everybody's Hometown".
ReplyDeleteStay on em, follow the money!!! (and that's coming from someone who supports them).
ReplyDeleteIt's no wonder meeting are missed. Their too arrogant for all of them to be in the room at the same time.
ReplyDeleteSince when did Glen Providence Park and Media Borough council become their own private club? Ummmmm, sorry, but that needs to change.
ReplyDeleteYeah man, I hear you. What this town needs to do is work together and build a greenway man! Yeah that's what I am talking about man, a greenway.
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that Media Borough hired an attorney IN ADDITION TO THE BORO SOLICITOR to consult and help defend the comtempt citation, this individual being from West Chester and all. So why aren't more taxpayers up in arms over all this additional spending? Why does Brian Hall say that 'cost of building a 28 foot dam is prohibitive for the borough', yet additional legal fees are NOT cost prohibitive? If anyone can corroborate please do so!
ReplyDeleteWhich party holds majority on this council? it's become a laughing stock and bad soap opera. I question what's going on that we DON'T KNOW about.
ReplyDeleteThis council is ridiculous. Unfortunately in our society no one wants to volunteer for these positions except those who are biased in their opinions and are trying to personally gain from it.....Mr. Kent Davidson, who lives across from what will be the largest construction project in the Borough.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that he has not included a slip and slide in the design plans for his kids!
Have you seen the rederings for this project? They amount of money they are planning to spend to make this look nice is ridiculous. Embarrassing, the veterns memorial in media does not evan have a flower basket and annual planting but this will look like longwood gardens if Davidson gets his way!
Media is doomed at the hands of these clowns. This is the kind of mismanagement that gets towns in trouble and drops home values.
ReplyDeleteI've heard this affordability argument aimed at current council both ways now. On one hand, they are allowing the development of expensive homes and pricing out the average homebuyer from Everybody's Hometown. Then the comment above accuses the council of lowering home values. Look around at other communities in Delco before complaining. Media has it pretty good and I don’t see any indication of deviation caused by Council.
ReplyDeleteDavidson is spending tax payer money on a project that will directly impact the value of his property. Conflict' I think so.