Saturday, June 29, 2013

The county 4th of July firework shows have faded away and so have the traditions.

There was a time when virtually every municipality in the county had some kind of 4th of July event or fireworks show. Believe me, as a kid my parents took us to them all because that was what the 4th of July was all about. That even included Media who had a their own event at Glen Providence Park.  Can you imagine watching fireworks at Glen Providence Park as a community?

Times sure have changed and so has the park unfortunately.  Media hasn't had fireworks since 1986 when it was decided the liability and crowds were too much for the borough.  Over the years other towns gradually discontinued the firework displays for much of the same reasons.  You can still find big parades in the area celebrating the 4th, but nothing like it was before.

What Media does have is a two-hour Independence Day celebration at Barrall Field from 10am - 12pm.  It's free, with food, drinks, games and activities for the kids.  However, not anywhere close to what's done to recognize France's La Fête Nationale (Bastille Day), where State Street is closed down for the whole day in celebration.  The Media Recreation Board who hosts this event had a very successful Media 5 Mile Run where tens of thousands of dollars were raised.  Truthfully, Media could do much better than a 2 hour picnic for Independence day.  

As for fireworks this year, you choices are limited. You can check out the delcotimes article for a complete run down, but here are the towns having shows.
  • Tinicum 6/29
  • Norwood 7/3
  • Upper Darby 7/3
  • Ridley  7/6


  1. Missed the best ones Tedman:



    We always did Narberth as kids with my parents, but I did Radnor with my wife and some family friends last was awesome!

  2. I believe media doesn't do their fireworks anymore because there was a Mishap where one of the fireworks landed in the audience! Why don't you do your readers a favor and find this out!

  3. While fireworks are nice, the municipality exists to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community. I fully agree that Media can and should do better, but in my opinion these fireworks and other celebrations should be organized, funded and coordinated by private entities, not taxpayer dollars. Get 'er done Tedman. THAT will win you an election.

    1. And please don't tell me the MBA. The MBA is not a private entity...

  4. Firework were discontinued becaause of overewhelming attendence.Too many people for too small a space.
    They had ground displays,a rarity today.Aston Sun Valley has Fireworks too.
    At one time Rose Tree park was rumored to be a new place..but it never happened.

  5. Media Mike I went to the best fireworks display last Saturday in East Goshen. They do it every year. I actually attended the last fireworks display at Glen Providence park it was great. Anon 6:19 I think the incident you are referring to happened in Collingdale.

  6. We all know that if fireworks were to happen in media, the FROGS would intervene to ruin it for all of us.

    1. Maybe they should be the private entity running the show. Oh.... They already are; they're just using taxpayer dollars to do it
