Thursday, November 21, 2013

PA House vote on the transportation funding bill - Broadcasted Live Today at ~3pm

If you're interested in today's PA House vote on the transportation bill that includes funding for Septa, it's expected to be voted on today around 3pm EST.
Watch live streaming video from pahousegop at


  1. A big thank you to Tedman for being out front and on the right side of this issue. Another thank you to Tom Killion for his vote in favor of this plan as well.

  2. Here! Here!
    Media would not be the same without the rail and trolley lines!

  3. 28.5 cent tax hike on gas and 39 cents on diesel. Tom Million is no conservative. This is a terrible terrible bill.

  4. I'm buying my gas in New Jersey. Even paying the bridge toll it will be cheaper.

  5. Where will the money go?:
    "...the Media Line, primarily due to the four viaducts - three of them have timbers that need to be replaced - that has to be addressed right away.

    The Crum Creek Bridge also has to be addressed right away, but that ... has to be designed, so it will be a couple of years before construction."

    replacing trolleys:
    "Again, replacing vehicles is all a long process, it's not one, two years, especially the trolleys which have to be designed to meet our specifications and also have to be ADA accessible."
