Media in Two Minutes
It's always my best intention each week to make M2M as short and concise as I can for a variety of reasons: 1) Believe it or not, writing is not one of may favorite things to do. 2) From a content perspective there's plenty to discuss and share, but no one wants to hear me drone on for hours. 3) Even if I was an award wining writer, and this is something a lot of people don't get in this field; you only get about 2 minutes of a readers attention span.....and even that's shrinking.
Ok, enough of me doing what I just explained I didn't want to do.
Media 5 Miler (Media's Mardi Gras)
My experience with the Media 5 Miler over the last 12 years has entailed me sitting at my house with hundreds of my closet friends watching the race go by. We had kegs, bands, cooks and what at one time maybe even the biggest party in Media. Heck, you may have even been there to experience what had become known as Media's Mardi Gras.
Despite the outcry and taunts, I will not be having that party this year which just may improve my standing with my neighbors and the upper east side residents of town. I do hope to get out and see what others are doing for the race for Media's biggest night! Eitherway, I'm looking forward to Media's Mardi Gras this Friday (aka Media 5 Miler)
Media Steps Up for Penncrest Lacrosse Parade

Rose Tree Summer Festival - Starts this WeekThat's right, this week kicks off the start of the Rose Tree Summer series held at the Rose Tree Park. For added convenience, I'll post information that day of who's playing that evening. You'll have to like the Facebook page to see those updates, but it should be helpful for everyone. There's also a specific Twitter account (@delcoparks) managed by the park and rec board that will provide updates, weather cancellations, etc.
It Does Take Two to Tango!

If your looking to do something new with a group, or maybe even meet someone for a night of dancing and fun socializing, check this out. There's a flair of elegance and a very enjoyable social atmosphere here. You can get a free lesson form 9 - 10pm and after that, everyone is invited to stay for a small fee to watch the real pros take over until 4am. I'll be back and the instructors were awesome.
Tiny Housing - Cool Concept
I like the affordability and maybe even more so, the practicality of these ideas and think they are quite cool. Two summers ago I stayed in something similiar while visiting St. Tropez in the S. of France. They were more beach bungalows, but pretty much the same concept. Now this setup here in Media is a lot different than a beach on the Mediterranean, but I think there could be an interesting market for these if even for a backyard office or guest house.

I understand a lot of municipalities frown on these dwellings and have special codes for structures under ~700 sqf.
Here are some links:
Date for the M5M? Which tango place? Important details first, then worry about flair.
ReplyDeleteRace is this Friday June 20th.
ReplyDeleteHow about reading and comprehending before commenting. The Media 5 Miler is ALWAYS the 3rd Friday in June. The name of the Tango place (sangha space) is plainly written on the flier before the phone number on the flier in the graphic. Understanding what you are reading first----- pithy comments later. Dbag