Media in Two Minutes has been off the grid for the last few weeks because I've been off the grid. In fact, I've been working on a whole new project over the last few months that deals with wind and solar power and to a lesser extent, livable sustainability. During that time I've been traveling to Annapolis, MD to get this setup and ready for the spring.
No, I haven't become a prepper, but more of a new hobby I think may provide enough content for a whole new blog with more video production(as if I have time for that...). But the more important part, is the fun involved. If you're in to that kind of stuff, and I really wish Media did more to promote this, you can check out the video below of some of the neat equipment out there and how people are using it. My setup is more marine grade, but this is a pretty cool company whose products I like -
Citizens Bank in Media Robbed
This was the big news this week as we had an armed robbery of Citizens bank on Baltimore Ave. I haven't heard any further updates since the robbery happened, but I do know this: Media and county police enforcement do a great job at tracking this stuff down while keeping everyone safe. I had no idea how hard they work and the danger they face until I listened to a scanner for a week. Media is pretty quiet, but there are a lot of burglaries, robberies, fires, assaults and almost anything else you can think of that I never knew happened and not reported in the local paper.
Riddle Memorial Hospital Time Capsule
If you missed it, it was quite thrilling to watch the Facebook video Riddle Hospital released revealing the contents of time capsule they found recently. You can watch that here.
Rehoric House Tea Tour - Today 1pm - 4pm

Holiday Outreach for those less fortunate
Mark you calendars for Monday, December 15th 6pm to 7:15pm as the Nativity BVM CYO and Prep will be collecting food, toys and lightly used clothing for a host of families who are in need. They make it easy, you just drive up to Gayley and Jefferson Streets with what you have and they unload the car for you. This was a brilliant idea for the last November's turkey drive.
Media Lions Club - Santa Visit
Nice to hear there was a good turn-out for the Media Lions Club who held a "Meet Santa" event at the Media VFW. This group along with the VFW does a lot for the community so I'm always happy to help them promote their events. Nice Job!
Here's something to get you the Christmas Spirit
When I was told about this house, I didn't believe it. Here's a quick video of a house in Upper Providence that is quite an eye opener.
Zoning Hearing for West End of Media
I just heard this on Friday, but people over by the west end of Media by State Street have recieved a letter regarding a zoning hearing towards development in that area. I suspect that may entail the housing proposed for the property where the old dive shop is, but I'll have to get that confirmed. It's looking like 2015 will be a busy year.
Media Wawa
What is going on the fourth year, I finally thought a decision would be made on the outcome of the Media Wawa proposed at the Rt 252 and Baltimore Ave. Having been to the Media Zoning hearing on December 4th for a few minutes, I'm not so confident this will be decided any time soon.
Despite Media Borough Council voting in favor of 5-2 in not sending the solicitor to obstruct the applicants variance at the zoning hearing, the Vice President of borough council seemed to have other ideas and sent out a personal letter opposing Wawa's applicant. Some of you may have received it.
I just love reading your blog about Media!
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