Friday, July 20, 2018

Socialism takes root in Media, PA

Socialism takes root in Media, PA

Kristin Seale who is a Media resident and currently a Rose Tree Media School Board member is also running for the 168th State Rep seat against incumbent Chris Quinn from Middletown. 

Kristin edged out her primary opponent Philip Block from Chester Heights who won the endorsement of the Media Democrats.

Here's what the organization is about based on their webpage.

Who we are & what we do

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.

DSA #AbolishICE Rapid Response: Get Swag Now


  1. Kristin Seale is a Communist who just doesn't have a gun yet. Nice job, Media!

  2. What, is this "bad logic week" over here at allthingsmediapa:

    Yesterday we had "Is a 1% enrollment worth a 22% tax increase?" when the liked article says that inflation accounts for 19 of those 22% percentage points.

    Today we have the "X supports Y, therefore Y = X" fallacy.

    It's like you're not even trying anymore.

  3. She's an excellent candidate and I'm looking forward to voting for her in November.

  4. Yeah, because things went SO WELL in Venezuela. So, Kristin, who pays for all of your unicorn and rainbow ideas?

    1. Try Northern Europe; they're doing quite well.

    2. Indeed the world is flat RTM teachers must know their
      Product must be competitve with the rest of the world. By most accounts the students aren't competitve with the rest of the world
      Part of this might be do to sample size differences but flattening the world has a trickle down to all areas of the economy

    3. I'm a fan of Ralph Nader but Kristin Seale no thank you

  5. Seriously, "socialism takes root in Media."? Pretty funny.

  6. Socialism is the idea that public money can be used for public purposes — as opposed to “capitalism”: using public money (and the huge interventionist state) for private profit. I always ask my older conservative friends, “Will you turn down Medicare, you know, the socialist initiative from the 20th century?” “Oh but I paid into that” — yes, we all pay into the services that we all benefit from.

    The fact that the DSA has endorsed Kristin Seale hardly shows “socialism taking root,” but I can tell you what does: the millennial generation and the fact the they see little appeal in having so much debt and too few jobs in the pursuit of insane wealth for the very few...

    1. Funny how that works...................

  7. You are correct that Medicare is payed for by the tax payers and should benefit those in need the most. However, like most programs run by bureaucrats it is a mess. SO WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO RUN MORE PROGRAMS?

    We have been on the slow creep to socialism for a long time, all we can hope for is to slow down the creep to preserve our freedom. Socialism is the redistribution of wealth by the people in power. Politicians take our money and then act like they are doing us a great service when they spend it on project and programs that get their name in the news. All they’re doing is “bribing us with our own money.”

    I challenge anyone to name a socialist county that has prospered. Politicians want control of the money, money equals power. It is amazing to me how many people want the government to decide for them where and who should go to college, how much money I can make, where I should work, eat and live and what’s best for our children.

    Socialists are very intolerant. Be definition everyone in a socialist society must conform to the standards of those in power. How has that worked out in South America?

  8. Q: What did Socialists use before candles?

    A: Electricity

    Just like Venezuelans are finding out.


    "And yet conservatives are having a ball conflating Venezuelan socialism with American social democracy – despite the fact that America has always been a mix of capitalism and what the Bernie Bros call socialism.

    U.S.A. works best when the capitalist and social-democratic sides of its brain get ample oxygen. When freedom and fairness complement each other – when we consider net profits and safety nets equally important."

    1. And you all seriously think that this shows socialism taking root in Media. Bunch of nuts.

  10. So the article you referenced above points out how socialism has failed. Please tell me where is has succeeded.

    Chile, for example provided free college tuition "for all." Except only the kids of rich and politically connected people got to go to college. Of course the program has crashed and burned.

    FYI - we had a banking crisis, in large part, because the federal government was asleep at the wheel. Yes, the same government that you want to run your life let it happen. The real shame of it all is that only one low level banker ever went to jail. Meanwhile executives at the big bank got huge bonuses right after the bail out. Guess who they made campaign contribution too?


  11. Anonymous, thanks for your thoughtful response. I would say the reason why people want government doing things is because 1) by default modern government is going to do things, and if they aren’t “for people” then they will solely be doing them for the wealthy and connected. Government can actually do things as well if not more efficiently than the private sector in some important ways, assuming agencies aren’t run by people committed to dismantling them. We have modern economies and won’t be returning to the early 19th century, so “less government” effectively means less responsive governance for those who live by it. You are not freer as an individual because you have stripped the socially relevant parts of democratic governance, which brings me to 2) the idea, apparently unfathomable to many “less government” types, that government can be democratic. Free people can choose that they want a national healthcare program, as they do in every other major modern society. It’s much less expensive than maintaining a middle layer of for-profit insurance bureaucracy. So rational people tell themselves it makes a lot more sense to have a Medicare-for all type setup and then push their reps to support it. Conservatives argue this is an infringement of individual liberty, socialism, oppression, etc. but I have never seen an argument that demonstrates anything other than a willful rejection of democratic preferences.

    1. "Government can actually do things as well if not more efficiently than the private sector in some important ways"

      Not really true when it comes to balancing a check book, educating our kids, providing healthcare (VA), providing clean drinking water,........

      There is very little accountability when you work for the government.

  12. that the new Fox news bogey man..heard for eight years we were going to be Greece..70 months of job growth 166% increase in the stock market..LOWER gas prices..yea we were Greece.
    I guess giving farmers(mostly corporate) 12 BILLION dollars in tax money is right wing socialism..instead of capitalism where the money would have been paid foreign buyers..let's get Americans to pay for it. 12 BILLION.!!!. could have been used to keep school taxes down .

    1. Better 12 Billion go to AMERICAN Farmers than loading pallets of cash ($150 billion) and sending it over to Iran like Obama did.

      By the way, who's escaping America to immigrate to a socialist country? Sorta the other way around, isn't it?

  13. The goal of socialism is communism. Vladimir Lenin

  14. The Money sent to Iran was money they paid for undelivered military items.
    Zero tax dollars..were sent ZERO
    Unlike the corporate welfare the bribing draft Dodger is spending..I'm sure if Obama did this you would be seeing it 24/7on faux news..please12 BILLION TAX DOLLARS..for a problem Dumpfh created..

  15. Obama’s foreign policy was a disgrace, from paying Iran (terrorist), Syria and Ukraine where Putin kicked his a**, Uranium One, Egypt, Bengasi, Cuba (they poisoned our diplomates), and of course there is South America, remember how Obama admired Chavez. There is also North Korea, any missiles tests lately?

    Was there anything Obama did related to foreign policy that benefited the United States.

    Of course he did set a record, the ACA, per the supreme court, was the largest tax increase in US history and he did pardoned terrorist and drug dealers.

  16. Nice try but the usual Faux Benghazi uranium derangement syndrome has been debunked. Obama is NOT President and 12 BILLION in pork..nice try..Alex Jones must be your other"news"source .

    1. $12 billion drop in the ocean when compared to the $1 trillion failed "stimulus" package.

      Thank God Obama is not the president anymore.

    2. Obama's Legacy: Cash for Clunkers. Nice, huh? Oh, and the healthcare plan that was SO good people were forced to buy it.

    3. "Failed" stimulus? The Bush/Obama bipartisan stimulus that helped prevent recession from becoming depression? Craziness.

  17. The reason there are protests on the streets of Iran is because the leaders of that country took the $1.5 billion from the US and gave it to Hamas to fund their terrorism while the economy continues to crash and burn.

  18. Cite REAL PROOF that this happened..

    1. From the Washington Post

      "Protesters are also demanding to know why Iran has spent billions of dollars on foreign policy in the Middle East at a time when people are struggling at home. Iran has sent cash, weapons and fighters to Syria, for example, and has financially supported Palestinians and the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah."

  19. “By the way, who's escaping America to immigrate to a socialist country? Sorta the other way around, isn't it?”

    Actually I just met a couple at a friend’s wedding who were happily talking about the free medical care they began receiving as soon as they moved to Toronto. And a friend’s mom (American) has been receiving cancer treatment in Norway...not by accident either.

  20. presented facts. Liberal argument OVER!
