Thursday, June 23, 2016

Another municipality warns residents about strong armed door-to-door sales tactics, while Media Borough does nothing.

Kudos to Ridley Township Police Department for making their residents aware of strong-arm door-to-door tactics.  Here in Media, borough politicians invite them into town to knock on your doors when knowing full well the complaints brought about these groups. 

 Except, of course, Mayor McMahon who won't be bothered as he has a No Soliciting sign outside of where he lives.


  1. What is the borough of media getting out of these solicitors a small permit fee
    How much is a solicition permit for borough of media. Who vets whether a permit is issued ? The mayor, the borough solicitor ?
    Doesn't seem worth it for Residents or borough

  2. Replies
    1. So to clarify the borough collects 40,000 annually to let these companies solicit door to door
      That seems like they would have to secure hundreds of customers to break even ?

  3. What hours and days of week Are these door to door solicitors allowed to knock on your door ?
