Friday, June 24, 2016

Media 5 Mile Race Committee gets Political on Gun Control

What does the Media 5 Miler have to do with guns?  That's what participants and sponsors of the event would like to know.  Recent re-tweets by @Media5MileRace shows support for gun legislation proposed this week.

It also might be seen as supporting a political candidate for re-election, John Lewis (D-GA), which is prohibited by the IRS under their tax exempt status. (developing)


  1. Media 5 Mile Race politically biased? I refuse to believe it!

    By the way, does Daly or Hall have another kid to for the 5-miler to hand another scholarship to?

    1. Easy does it Mr. McDonald the scholarship if memory serves went to Councilman Robinsons kid....... Media boro Council looking out for themselves oops i mean you......

    2. Thank you for the correction, CVP, how embarrassing to not know my corrupted Media Dem history!

    3. Fact check: Penncrest HS Committee selects the annual recipient of the John K Barrall College Award, not the M5M Board

    4. 2nd Fact Check: Media 5 Mile is not a Media Borough Government event, since 2009.

    5. Hey, anon, if you think that selection committee is 'fair and balanced', I've got a bridge on 3rd street to sell you.

      Influenced all the way.

  2. "Retweet does not equal endorsement" is a common line from a lot of twitter accounts. Odd stuff for a race account to retweet, but doesn't cross the political activity threshold.

    1. B.S. All the way. Common sense dictates that a non-profit org like this one shouldnt be out making political statements. This group is no less conflicted than the FROGS were, which seems to be a Media Borough staple.

  3. Tedman you have quite an artistic touch by taking multiple images and text to create you collage. However you overstepped the line by hacking personal images without authorization. Is this your new hobby? Bob Simpson

  4. Bob,

    You must not understand Twitter. Here's what's been posted to the Media 5 Miler account at , which is open for anyone to see. Anyone can take a screen capture of it, which is what one or your sponsors did.

    So, not only do you not know what your talking about, you also have someone doing tweets on behalf of @media5milerace.

    So, what is the Media 5 Miler Committee's stance on gun legislation, since we're on the subject?



  5. Mediafivemile race should medexit from mixing a nice community event and turning it into a political message on gun control while everyone is horrified with the tragedy at the pulse nightclub the mixing of these subjects should be in a different venue - right your congressman or congresswoman

  6. First five mile run was a project of the Media Minutes aka Media Dems.
    It has blossomed into one of Media's nicest and coolest events.Kudos to.those who male it the success it is.

  7. First five mile run was a project of the Media Minutes aka Media Dems.
    It has blossomed into one of Media's nicest and coolest events.Kudos to.those who male it the success it is.

  8. AND now I know what running event to skip.
