Sunday, August 20, 2017

How do you feel about the development going on in Media, PA?

Why aren't Media's elected officials discussing and explaining to the community their views on all of the development going on in the borough?  What are their positions? Is it too much? Are their concerns?  Why not one statement on the matter?  They held a town hall meeting over concerns of the 3rd Street bridge and even paid for a survey to be sent to residents, yet say nothing of the events that are changing the town month-by-month.

This site has done more to bring awareness and discussion on the matter than all of Media Borough Council combined!


  1. The Media Borough Facebook page put up a survey similar to this a few days ago. It's up until September 15.

  2. Kudos to Tedman, he's the only one driving the discussion. In Tedman we trust!

    1. Remember neighbors you can trust
      I live next to one that seems to be entitled and wants to make their own rules maybe they gave a donation to a particular party so everything is swept under the rug

  3. With the mayor never publicly speaking except at Veterans Day parade and Media five miler maybe an ocansional crime report at a council meeting - it's no wonder That people have to turn to a blog to get any information
    Or perhaps to influence what might be bad decisions of which there are many by media borough
