Friday, September 8, 2017

The Art of Communication in a Small Borough

Viewing what's done in Phoenixville, PA; Media has such a long way to go with communicating with residents and businesses.  Here is an interview on what they are working towards to improve parking within their borough.


  1. Interesting the mayor of phoeniville speaks about debt service ? why has media boroughs almost doubled in the past year and our olive street municipal garage that cost tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair several years ago is still not repaired ? Or is it ?

  2. Can't the same company that made the $25000 video on media borough do a little pro bono work and have a question and answer session with the current mayor and release on you tube ? It always seem like there something the borough of media is not being forcoming with maybe communication is the problem or is that they often have something to hide ? Not sure but communicating in a timely manner and when necessary sending written documentation to residents needs to happen

  3. What company produced the 25,000 video on Media Borough ?
