Tuesday, November 28, 2017

ATM Blog suffices for incident management tool for Media Borough

*UPDATE 11/29/17 8:45am EST * as of 7:45am this morning, technicians were on site to fix the issue.

After four months of being disabled and many inquiries about its repair, it looks like the traffic light will finally be fixed this week.  The problem originated when pedestrians were unable to use the cross-walk feature and out of frustration reached out to this blog for assistance.  Unfortunately, the issue was never addressed by the borough until today.  Based on the borough's FB page, an announcement was made that the traffic will be interrupted at Orange and Baltimore Ave. (morning hours) to work on the traffic signal control box.  Why wasn't it addressed earlier?  And why isn't there better incident management of issues that residents are concerned about?


  1. This work will take place after the morning rush hour.

  2. total lack of concern or leadership.

  3. A sense of complacency from the borough manager on down to code enforcement and of course the mayor How much money do these people make to shirk there responsibilities ?

  4. Someone posted on this subject parts were ordered the sky's not falling however
    With all the pedestrians and disabled people
    That use the train and cross at that intersection tell that to them when a pedestrian gets struck 4 months is to long
    For a busy intersection as this
