Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Make 3rd Street Great Again!

After a Media Borough Council being found in contempt of court, failing to act on a $650k grant for the project and now recently being sued individually in federal court; perhaps a sense of humor might lighten the situation that would even make President Donald Trump chuckle.

This evening a banner was set up on the BLCC fence along Third Street that, well, gets to the point - Make 3rd Street Great Again.  After what's close to 25 years of the bridge being closed, major inconveniences, safety issues and tons of money spent fighting the issue; maybe through lawsuits or humor the bridge will finally get fixed. 


  1. It's not just that this has been a politically motivated major inconvenience for 20 years that blocks ingress and egress along the western border of the county seat, or that it's by far the worst public eyesore - perhaps ever - in Media, or that the purpose for this failure to act was to cater to a handful of people in proximity to the bridge who publicly stated they "didn't want to hear the traffic noise"; it's also that Rose Tree Media School district reported over ten years ago, that it was costing the district an additional $50,000 a year to re-route school buses, and forcing children to spend more time on those buses. Homeowners and other taxpayers fund the school district, which has needlessly cost us at least $1 million dollars, plus tens of thousands of dollars in additional taxpayers' monies to pay for the Borough's legal costs by continuing to be in contempt of court. That's not public service, it's failure to uphold the sworn duties of elected officials and a lack of personal ethics and responsibility. It's symbolic of the nonfeasance and cronyism hurting our entire country today. One-party rule never works, whether it's in Congress or in Media.

    1. TOTALLY agree w/Anonymous!

    2. Spot on, Anon. 7:48! Are our Media RTM representatives Jim Cunningham and the Socialist Seale making any appeals to boro council on behalf of the district? I've heard Mr. Cunningham support the bridge opening several times to council in the past - do we have a statement from Seale?

    3. Why isn't the school district trying to recoup from the Borough these funds expended because of having to reroute the buses?

    4. Great point, Anon 10:12 - the lawsuit should include restitution to the school district for all the years the buses have been re-routed, or at least since 2011 when the stipulation was signed...

    5. Thanks Pinky. I had no idea about the monetary situation re Rose Tree until Anonymous July 26, 2018 at 7:48 AM posted about it. It is just common sense to wonder about making up for the financial loss! Too bad we taxpayers are taken advantage of by government - whether it is local or federal.

    6. I don't think anyone remotely near 3rd street wants to have it turned into a busy road. If you just want to get rid of the eyesore, make it a pedestrian only bridge and be done with it.

  2. Support the Democrats on almost everything. BUT THIS IS OBVIOUSLY the work of Daly and the West St cabal

    1. TBH, Frank has not been the chief driver of the delay in the past couple years, as he has said publically to several persons I know that the time has come to just get it done. The delay drivers are FROG driven, notably the Davidsons and Lisa Johnson (of course West St. cronies). Kent Davidson's head is popping off right about now. Absolutely LOVE this messaging!! You go BLCC!

  3. Thank God people are paying more attention to this community this bridge needs to be fixed .

    The banner is GREAT

    1. Why doesn't mayor mackayon hold a press conference in front of the banner

  4. Great sign Tedman--and your picture. I remember when it was great. In the winter Media skated on the Lake. In the summer we swan in its cold waters. We need this wonderland preserved. Where is Robert Moses when we need him?

  5. Where can one find information on the exact process, time line, and issues surrounding the repair of the dam and opening 3rd street? I suppose I am wrong in my assumption that this had been all cleared up!

    1. Do NOT assume anything in Media. Nothing is ever cleared up. We will
      never get there.

  6. What are those things in front of the flag, on the left of the sign?
