Tuesday, July 24, 2018

UPDATE (7/24/18): It's been reported that Media Borough Council at the 7/19 monthly borough meeting, voted to not oppose the request from West End Flats LLC for a bigger sign.

UPDATE (7/24/18): It's been reported that Media Borough Council at the 7/19 monthly borough meeting, voted to not oppose the request from West End Flats LLC for a bigger sign.

The Zoning Hearing Board meeting is Thursday, July 26 2018.


  1. Not sure but the Brooke street side has a lot if windows so when the sign goes up one or more renters might be looking at the back of a sign another media borough debacle

    1. Why would Media oppose? Seems entirely reasonable.

  2. Unrelated but I wondered why this glowing article of Media from Philly.com was not shared on this blog, which typically loves to share and support positive local news:

    Realized it paints a couple local democratic politicians in a good light though.

    1. Yes the article did paint some local Democrats in a good light (fake news) because it failed to mention most are currently part of a CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION lawsuit. Stay tuned should be interesting.

    2. If anyone is in political power for too long they stop serving the public and serve there friends this is media borough in 2018 bribing us with our own money that's what max matin and council henchmen are busy doing

  3. When does media borough get dragged into court over BLCC
    This will be a referundum on local gov't and their ability to actually run a borough with good intentions for all residents

    1. All this whining about a 112 square foot sign on a large apartment building? Geeze.
