Sunday, October 14, 2018

State Rep Candidate Kristin Seale's Retweet: "Only direct action and revolution can bring the capitalist system to its knees"

Back in May of 2018 the Media Democrats fought hard to defeat Kristin Seale in the primary with their endorsed candidate Philip Block.  Having lost, they now are in full support of the same socialist candidate proudly backed by the Philadelphia chapter of the Democratic Socialist of America.


  1. What year is this? 1958? I know your blog unabashedly supports Republican candidates, despite the outward appearance of being of service to everyone in Media. Fine. But if all you can do is hearken to scare tactics of the cold war rather than promote your own candidate on the issues, then you've insulted your voters and yourself. Chris Quinn is a pretty moderate candidate, and could make a good argument for staying in office against Seale in this district, but it seems that he's okay with taking state GOP money to resort to these tactics. If I was on the fence about him before, this campaign certainly turned me off. And your promotion of it only lowers my opinion of this blog.

    1. Tedman and the Republicans planted that banner and retweet on poor Seale. My big question is, what capitalist system? We have a cronny capitalist system in place that steals from the middle class. I'm all in favor of a true capitalist system that allows too big to fail, to fail, but what we have ain't it.

    2. To Anonymous - Is it your opinion that "poor" Kristin Seale (your words) will take us closer to a Capitalist system? If not, are you comfortable voting for her and allowing her to take us closer to Socialism???

    3. Tedman - dude - take it as a complement that the ANTIFA trolls have infiltrated ATM because they try to poke holes in your facts. No photoshopping needed with this photo, you are spot on. She scares me more than crooked Hillary......parents need to know that Seale voted AGAINST drug detection services in RTM schools.......reiterate: AGAINST illegal drug detection services in our schools! Who does that?? Someone not invested in our community and children's safety!

  2. Socialism only hasn't worked in the past because they just didn't go far enough. It will DEFINITELY work if we can just take more. You know, like those countries with small homogeneous populations where everything is rainbows that are always used as examples.

    1. Wow; dog whistle city out of Anon 10/18 @ 10:16 AM. "those countries with small homogeneous populations......"

      So basically you're saying we can't have any type of shared economic prosperity in a society that isn't all people just like yourself. That's embarrassing on your part.

  3. Comrade Death gets a bad rap but all the kids think he is a righteous dude.

  4. Wouldn't vote for Seale for a variety reasons
    She and others are ruining RTM
    And would likely do the same with a congressional seat

  5. Hey, Kristin! Why isn't the caravan walking to Venezuela instead of the US?
