Friday, April 9, 2021

Even after being found in contempt of court, multiple lawsuits and money allocated for restoration, Media Borough Council continues to defy the needs of the community. 25 years and counting.

Even after being found in contempt of court, multiple lawsuits and money allocated for restoration, Media Borough Council continues to defy the needs of the community. 25 years and counting.

Posted by on Friday, April 9, 2021


  1. The Democrats that run the council are a joke! I'm a Democrat but they seem to be in the pocket of developers. You can see signs going up everywhere for the Republican candidates for Mayor and Borough Council. I never put signs up but I put one up the moment I saw those smug jerks on Council had opposition.

  2. The borough council is doing the will of borough residents per the latest poll. People outside of the borough should not have any impact on borough decisions. Last time I checked, you lived in MD.

  3. They don't listen to everyone. They don't follow the laws on their books! I just registered independent. Biden's a joke and this council doesn't represent my values either. They give Democrats a bad name.
