Media Boro Council not telling the whole story on 3rd St. Bridge
Third Street Bridge |
So much for transparency and leadership you can trust from Media Borough Council. As I wrote earlier and was verified today on, Media Borough Council did have an offer on the table regarding a possible deal on the one-way roadway for 3rd Street Bridge. One that would have required further negotiation, but at least BLCC in good faith towards the community was willing to sit down and discuss. Turns out, President Brian Hall and council didn't even address it. In fact, when asked about it at last Thursday's meeting, Brian refused to discuss it or even confirm it existed. I also might add, that this council never even notified PennDot that this issue was back in the courts. Millions of dollars in PennDot funding on the line and this council continues to play more games.
After 17 years, delays costing taxpayers $1 million, and financing being jeopardized for one of Pennsylvania's most dangerous dams; people should really start making this council accountable for the lack of leadership. Much like what happened with the Super Wawa project, this council, along with Mayor MchMahon, are showing to be unprepared, disorganized and out of touch with residents and businesses of Media. What's equally concerning, is that this article shows Media Borough Council withholding key information from the public.
Since Media Borough Council isn't interested in a one-way negotiation of any sort, it's now time to move this project forward as the originally proposed two-way roadway. Supported by many residents, along with RTM School District, Middletown, Upper Providence and local Emergency Services.
When do the terms expire for Council President and others? It is a shame that council men and woman often act according to the loudest few.
ReplyDeleteCan we get a running count down to the next election?
Wow, Tedman wants Borough Council to have discussions with BLCC for the borough to pay MORE for a one lane road! Awesome! Frankly, all this says to me, and hopefully Judge Proud, is that BLCC isn't REALLY all that opposed to a one land roadway. I hope he reads your blog :)
ReplyDeleteI do t think he said that, I think he reported that BLCC made an offer and tge Borough is acting like one doesn't exist.
DeleteStory in delcotimes accurate with one omission: at the MBC meeting, Mr. Rumsey was of the opinion that the council should NOT 'barter the one way option' in favor of absolving BLCC from the maintenace clause in the stipulation of 2011. Seems FROGs want their cake and eat it too!
ReplyDeleteA one-way option would "reestablish the West Third Street roadway across the dam as an open thoroughfare for vehicular and pedestrian traffic" which is exactly what the 2011 stipulation requires.
DeleteWhy should Media add another taxpayer giveaway to BLCC on top of the one they've already received?
Back to the dictionary again! "Re-establish: to return to what once was" Third Street 'once was' two lanes. With all his book knowledge, Mr. 'PhD' Stein should be able to clarify that to the rest of his cronies.
Delete"reestablish ... as an open thoroughfare"
DeleteA one-way option would return the dam to an open thoroughfare.
WAIT! These elected official have been telling us the merits of a one way bridge for the last year and now they won't even sit down and discuss it?!?!!?!?! What the Hell is going on in this town?
If you're going to vilify the BLCC, you also need to include the school district, adjacent townships and our EMS. They too also want a two way.
ReplyDeleteHow could Judge Proud support a one-way when the borough hasn't done anything to defend it? Nor discussed it with the other two parties as directed by the judge?
Looks like the one-way argument is crumbling before everyone's eyes.
Media does not need a two way road, a dam or a shrinking undredged lake. The taxpayers should not pay for an century long amenity at a private organization which may not exist in a decade. No one is vilifying the BLCC,simply pointing out sound fiscal spending and environmental science.
ReplyDeleteNow, when can we get an real estimate on a modest bridge, because PaDOT has indicated the funds are available to pay for that, too.
"Century long amenity"??? Since the 1800's horse and buggies have been using Third street as a roadway for commerce, I'm sure Media Business Authority would agree. Why are certain people acting like Third Street was never used as a viable transportation route??
DeleteThe new dam would be a 100 year taxpayer expense for a private organization's benefit. The Media Business Authority was asked and did not have a position. Survey results of individual businesses supported dam removal.
DeleteOnce again-----Dam removal would cost much more than the Boro has now. Dam removal is to expensive --- fix it with the money you have before you loose it. Two lanes two ways just like you promised MEDIA.
DeleteStop pandering to special (self) interests (FROGS)
I state the obvious. The Democratic Borough Council is picked, controlled and dictated to, by their bosses behind the curtain, the Daly and Krull team.
ReplyDeleteMany Democrats on Council, Brian H.,Paul R., Dr. ?, Monica are decent people. when you sell you soul to the Devil, it is not much of a bargain.
Is Judge Proud a FROG, pretending to the a Judge? Bring back the Catania brothers. Especially, Uncle Nick. He knew how to get things done.
ReplyDeleteYes. Nick Catania would have had the 3rd Street Bridge and 2-way road opened before the FROGS croaked. And today's political leaders in the court house are "Wusses". RIP,Nick.
ReplyDeleteI blame Kent!
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DeleteCUT that f'n language out, Anon 4:57. It ain't going help build the bridge, or change anyone's mind. I know it is free speech. Do you want your Mother reading your erudite thoughts.
DeleteIf every anonymous blogger who has had anything to say on this website at any time about this travesty of the 3rd/Third Street Bridge - not just above - grabbed a shovel and started digging I believe we'd have enough man power to pull this off ourselves! What I would like to HEAR - although I do enjoy (?) reading all the comments - are your pro 2 lane 2 way voices at any and all borough council meetings.
DeleteIt's no secret my husband and I live in Upper Providence and it's also no secret we and MANY of our neighbors and friends in the borough are for 2 way 2 lane. Do I have to type my "perfect world" statement??? OK I will - "In a perfect world I would not be wasting my time typing and you would not be wasting your time reading as the road/bridge/dam would be as it was to this date 17 years ago - 2 Way 2 Lane - before (further) carelessness destroyed it."
Keep standing up for something you believe in. I hope Cindy Miller wins her cause. I don't live in Media and don't know all the facts.
DeleteBelow is my response to "Chickadee" from the Media Patch web site. I did not copy her comment(s) but feel free to go to Media Patch and read them.
DeleteCindy Miller
3:53 pm on Tuesday, January 22, 2013
My dear Chickadee I would have like to have seen the "petition" that you so mentioned above and the signatures of the 300 UP Residents. No one came knocking on our door or the doors of my immediate neighbors!! If you have access to that document I would very much like to see it. "Impassioned plea" yes you surely have that correct but 50 or so homes ummmmm not so much! There are 50 NEW homes alone in the Toll Brothers Woodlands development, then let's take into consideration the homes on Kirk, (up to Orange) Highland, all the cul-de-sacs off both, Ridley Creek and the homes on Rosemary, Hillendale,....
I'll repeat 'No where in the stipulation did it say for the 3 parties to come to a compromise'.
As far as the park being preserved - overall indeed it will be and I'm gonna say that any work done at the the end of the park that touches Third Street can only enhance its appearance. Quiet environment??? Well goodness wouldn't we just all like that????? You are right on another level - one does not always get what one wants but when one or more are tasked with doing the best for an entire boro, acting as the county seat for Delaware County replete with offices, businesses, churches, etc it would clearly seem to me THEY would think outside the box and not cave to a small group of activists.
And lastly I will not, now nor in the days to come, "concede". I do believe we agree to disagree.
If you look at track records then it's safe to say that the park clique will soon find new pet projects to worry about. We probably still won't have the road open but the drama queens will have at least moved on.