gets a website makeover - New Look and Feel
I don't know how much a Daily Times newspaper is these days, as I haven't bought one in years. Though, that's not to say I don't read it, as I do, but greatly prefer to view the county's news online. As of today, it looks like the has doubled down and feel their readers also share the same preference of online viewing. Today they've released a much anticipated total make-over of their site. It's a bit unfamiliar because it's new, but I like it. Nice Job, Delcotimes!
The new online site is great, Tedman. Maybe I old-fashioned, but I still get the DT delivered every morning. Nothing like the feel of the paper and turning the pages.
The new online site is great, Tedman. Maybe I old-fashioned, but I still get the DT delivered every morning. Nothing like the feel of the paper and turning the pages.