Monday, July 27, 2015

Outside Picasso Replica Stolen from Media, PA


  1. Strange world we live in, and not to get philosophical, but we're here for such a short time and this how some people choose to live. Can't imagine a person with a genuine appreciation for art stealing it, and it was probably some bored teenagers...

  2. Where are the cameras when you need them?

  3. Honestly, it seems silly to force feed art on a community that clearly prefers throwing down a few (or many) drinks while watching their friends run circles around town... or better still prefers eating dinner and drinking heavily in the middle of the street. DMS

    1. 1. How do you know it was a man who posted the comment?
      2. Perhaps "Comically Moronic" was the intent. The whole thing is pretty amusing.

    2. On the surface it is seemingly amusing. I doubt it's amusing to the Phila Museum of Art, who will undoubtedly think twice about doing something like this in Media in the near future.

    3. "Comically Moronic" to put them outside in the first place

    4. or "Comically Moronic" to steal a fake painting. The PMA's nice gesture has not gone unpunished in Media. No mention if this has happened in the 5 other communities with these displays- amusing?

  4. It was a matter of time.
