Thursday, August 23, 2018

Big changes coming to Orange and Front Streets in Media, Pa.


  1. Hmmm, Is it inappropriate to start constructing on this project before starting construction on 3rd street?

  2. What does Media issue re: 3rd Street bridge have to do with County issue re: collapsing buildings?

  3. Well no because one is COUNTY..other is boro..

  4. The issues are related for the people that live near the garage. Parking is even more limited and traffic, because of the road closures is worse than before and school has yet to start. Had the borough official been responsible enough to maintain our EXIST infrastructure traffic and parking at the west end of town would be much better. Should be interesting to see how congested it gets once school starts and summer vacations are over.

  5. The planned expansion of County employee parking in the new garage will increase morning and afternoon traffic during the week and, to build the expanded garage, would require permanently closing boro-owned Second Street to Orange Street. It is ironic that Media Borough was sued by the private club and Delaware County government when the Bourough considered turning Third Street into a one way street to improve pedestrian safety next to a public park.

    1. That said who is covering the upcoming law suit fees for media borough officials i.e. BLCC versus
      Mayor of media and media borough council ? It is an outrage that media. Borough taxpayers cover their costs

    2. Not sure what your point is. Expanding parking does not increase traffic, it decreases the number of people parking on the streets.

    3. Improve pedestrian safety?Nice try..we all know the real.reason..

  6. It's annoying with Orange street closed. But the silver lining is driving down the shortcut by Broomall lake to West Street. Its faster than the old way

  7. The goal could be to minimize traffic through residential and/or green space.
