Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Mainline Today thinks of La Porta Ristorante/wine Bar and Diego's Catina and Tequila Bar

The beginning of 2012 started off with high expectations for Media's local restaurant scene.  With Spasso, Diego's and La Porta, it's been been a banner year for some of the most exciting eateries to hit the area in awhile.

Mainline Today thought so too and recently reviewed Diego's Cantina and Tequila Bar, along with La Porta Ristorante/wine bar located just outside of Media at the former Locust Crest Tavern.

Mainline Today's Reviews:

Media Elementary setting up at former Nativity School

We still have a few weeks to go before school starts, but work is underway to prepare the former Nativity location for the upcoming transition to accommodate Media Elementary students.  Perhaps the biggest modification needed to the site, was bringing in and setting up modular trailers to allow for the extra teachers and students.  Nice Job by the Rose Tree Media School Board for their work towards getting this project moving.

The trailers are occupying the former playground behind the school. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's Sunday 7-29-12 Media in Two Minutes

It's Sunday 7-29-12 - Media in Two Minutes

For the lazy days of Summer, there seems to be a lot going on. Some good, some not so good.  Either way it's Media in Two Minutes which people seem to enjoy as I try to give a weekly update on what's going on in and around Media.  However, be advised I will be traveling again so there won't be a post for next Sunday August 5th.

Ok, Let's go!

Update on Upper Providence BB shootings:
I spoke to someone on the UP police force who told me the investigation is continuing, though no further incidents have been reported.  It's been at least two weeks since the attacks, so perhaps this may have been just an isolated incident involving careless kids.  Hopefully they will be brought to justice at some point, but kudos to the Upper Providence Police force for keeping on top of this.

Media Little League State Champs:
This is big news in our area with the Media Little League (9-10 year olds) winning the state championship.  They are off to the regionals with their next game tomorrow.  You can follow live updates of their progress and real time game coverage on their Twitter feed.
Web site: http://www.medialittleleague.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/medialittleleague
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mllbaseball
The Tournament: http://www.cranstonboundbaseball.com

Rose Tree Colts football and cheerleading sign-ups:
This is a great program that's doing a lot of great things. This organization has been around since 1955!
  • In person registration for football/cheerleading and equipment distribution is at the clubhouse - July 31, Aug 1st and 2nd from 6-8p
  • First practice for all teams will be Aug 6th. 
Billboards on Interstate 95 to promote Media:
I wanted recognize the Media Business Authority and their Vice President, Loic Barnieu putting together arrangements that will include advertising on Interstate 95 by the 420 exit.  It looks to be a good value that has impact towards promotion of the borough.

Super Wawa, Will it Happen?
rendering of proposed Super Wawa

A majority of the people seem to be in favor of this development and I've heard Jeff Smith has been receiving a fair amount of emails regarding the matter.  There will be a few public meetings on this in the very near future.  I'll be sure to post them as they become available.

Again, this project or lack thereof, will define the gateway to Media.  Participation is important and will most likely define what ultimately happens here.

Media's Logo Police:
It's bad enough that new businesses here in Media have to have their logos scrutinized by a council president who may not happen to like it.  It's also a bad reflection on this town when businesses complain about the manner in which it was handled. There are far too many important matters that need to be resolved, than to engage in petty, non-issues.

$20,000, 5 minute Taxpayer Infomercial brought to you by Mayor Bob McMahon
I'm not going to get into an in-depth discussion about this now, as I'll post something later today or tomorrow.  However, the RTM officials and the Brandywine CVB are not amused by what's come to light in the last few days regarding this deal and the money they've been asked to contribute.

For the taxpayers and small businesses in town who contacted me about this, I did send a formal email to Mayor Bob McMahon and cc'd Borough Manager, Jeff Smith on Tuesday requesting this project be halted.  I stated the many well know reason for this request in my email.  As of today, I still have not gotten a response.....and I expect one.

To date, I still can't find anyone who's heard of this show, let a lone seen it.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mayor Bob McMahon

Dear Mayor,

On behalf of the concerned taxpayers of Media who have contacted me, and adjacent communities who have serious reservations with dealing with ‘Today in America’ and affiliate creative producers; I respectfully request  the Media borough cease further business dealings and transfer of payment to this group effective immediately.

This request is based on the following findings:

  1. Associate producers of ‘Today in America’ production have had been investigated and fined by the Florida Attorney General and reported on by news outlets such as CBS Money Watch and the New York Times for misleading numerous towns and businesses.   The complaints against this organization are many and well documented.  What we were led to believe by this group was a “special opportunity,” is turning out to be nothing more than a sales pitch for an infomercial that may have been hastily acted on.

    As America’s First Fair Trade town, It is unbecoming of Media as a leader in principled business conduct, to engage with organizations who have been publicly been investigated and fined for unscrupulous business practices.  Especially, for Media to entertain their services while other, local companies were not given a chance.
  2. This project which entails the filming of and producing video of Media and the surrounding communities for the approximate sum of $20,000, did not go out to bid.  I would request a RFP be drafted and announced in order to solicit the best value for taxpayers, as well as, offering local businesses in the area a chance to participate in this effort.  We should be supporting our local businesses with every opportunity we have, and this would be the right thing to do for those who rely on the local economy.

I also plan to share these requests with officials from the Brandywine CVB and Rose Tree Media School board, who have been requested by Media to partially fund this effort.

Everyone wants to see Media and our communities showcased in the best format, for the best value, while reaching the broadest audience.  However, In good faith to the community, it’s also expected this been done in a fair manner with organizations who share our ethics, while encouraging and promoting our local businesses who can provide these services.

I, as well as, the taxpayers and small businesses of this community look forward to your response.

With regards,

Tedman O’Hara
Did you know?
Through out the week I try to come up with a "did you know" segment about Media that people will find interesting.  Some weeks they are easy to come up with, others not so easy.
Anyway, with the recent shortage of rain I've been wondering how close we are to a water restriciton due to a pending drought.  Having lived here long enough I can tell you it's close based on the level of the Springton Lake Resivour.
Did you know the Lake was this low?
Springton Lake level 7-28-12

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Read This.....Delaware County Literacy Council Awareness

Local newspaper editor for the Daily Times, Phil Heron hosted a meeting last week with Susan Keller from the Delaware County Literacy Council.  I've been to many meetings Phil routinely holds, but this one was quite special.  As we sat and discussed with Susan about the Literacy Council's efforts and challenges, it really hit home how important it is to have the ability to just read.  I learned about many here in Delaware County who can't or have low reading abilities and need help.

I was recently in Europe and can completely understand how hard it is when one can't read, write or even speak a language.  I was at the mercy of those who spoke enough english to get me through, but I didn't like the feeling of vulnerably of not being able to communicate effectively, or at all.  ATMs have an "English" button, however;  gas pumps, tolls and the everyday things we take for granted can be a mystery when you can't read.

Where I saw the real detrements from Susan's description of her students, was the humiliation and lack of confidence they felt from not being able to read.  I took a look at a few of the Youtube vidoes which give a raw understanding of how debilitating illiteracy can be.  One woman said she was afraid to go to church for bible study because she was concerned she'd be picked to read, when she didn't feel she could.  Another told of how she demoted herself from a job because she couldn't comprehend large words.

As sad as these stories are, it's good to know that the Literacy Council is doing everything they can to help.  If you'd like to get involved, there are plenty volunteer opportunities and a couple dollar donation goes a long way.

To help raise awareness for Delco's Literacy Council, I wanted to let people know that we will be doing a live internet broadcast, "Live From the Newsroom"on Wednesday, Sept. 12th, from 5-7 pm at their offices at 2217, Providence Avenue in Chester.  I'll provide more information on this as the date draws closer.

For more information:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Is Sassy Girl, too sassy for Borough Council?

This borders on absurd, but since people have been contacting me about it, perhaps you can decide.

First, take a good hard look at the following logo for Media's newest women's boutique, Sassy Girl.  Anything stand out or wrong about the silhouette caricature?

Don't hate Sassy Girl because she's pretty
I couldn't find anything wrong with the logo and many others couldn't either, however, Media Borough Council President, Brian Hall doesn't like it.  From what I'm told, its apparently too provocative and the skirt is too short.   Truthfully, I wouldn't have though twice about "a skirt being too short on a silhouette caricature," especially when it's up on an awning making it even harder to see.

The issue has been worked out and the logo is now up on the store's awning, but this just further illustrates how mis-managed Media's priorities are.

If he wants to ride around in a car and look a logos, fine.  But perhaps it's time borough council elect a new council president who can get Media's priorities in order and handle real issues that have and continue to affect this town:
  1. A CMAQ project that has languished since 1999 at the cost of $1.5 million, with approximately $200,000 costing Media Taxpayers.  This is the project that included the new traffic lights.  Problem is, there still not hooked up or synchronized.  See how long you wait at one of these traffic lights, when there is no perpendicular traffic.

    Brian Hall and Monica Simpson both had two terms to manage this and it's still not working.  Springfield completed a similar project in TWO YEARS!
  2. Publicly speaking up for a school like Nativity, or any entity that's been in this community for 100 years.
  3. Making sure people show up to committee assignments and meetings.  Eric Stein didn't show up for 5 months to his MBA meeting and when he does he's late an unprepared.  Is Peter Williamson still the treasurer?
  4. Being forthright with information on legal lawsuits (Third St. Bridge) instead of placating groups who's petition he signed.
  5. Better understanding the difference between a "Golden Opportunity" and a sales pitch from infomercial salesmen.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

PEP Rally TONIGHT for Media Little League as they depart for the Regional Playoffs

With their recent State Champion win, the Media Little League team will now be heading to Cranston, Rhode Island for the Eastern Region Invitational Tournament.

There will be PEP Rally tonight to cheer the local team on......

Tonight at 8:00pm, on the Major League Field at the MLL Complex, we will be holding a fairwell Pep Rally for the boys and we need YOU to come out and show your support for the lads.  The team will be practicing until about 8pm and then we will have a very simple 30 minute rally to send the team off with a big and loud celebration.

To get live updates on what's happening, reference the following links.  In addition, this site will also post Media Little League Twitter updates as they happen

A Letter from Media Real Estate on the Super Wawa proposal

As I've commented before on this site, the borough is only going to get one chance to do the "Gateway" of Media right.  What is currently being considered is a proposal from Media Real Estate (MRE) and WAWA to build a super store at the old Media Inn site.

It's now becoming clear from the people I talk to, that Media borough council isn't interested in this store.  They've gone as far to say that they are happy to pick and choose what ever it is they want and will take as much time as they need.  That's not leadership.  Especially when a potential deal is on the table for 35 new jobs, $1million in contracting work and a steady tax revenue base for this borough.  I've spoken to some of the representation managing this project who've been open, understanding and in good faith, proactive in soliciting input on how to make this project work.  They too also understand the traffic patterns and realize that is a big issue for many.

I was able to obtain a letter from the property owners (MRE) that was sent out to the public explaining the decision for this store.  If you have questions or concerns, please comment.  I'll try to get your responses in front of the people who can address them.  You can also email borough manager, Jeff Smith jasmith@dca.net who can notify borough council of your thoughts.

This decision will most likely come down to the feedback from the community, so here's your chance to be apart of the process.

click to enlarge

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Attempted break-in last weekend in the vicinity of East 5th and Lemon

While attending Dining Under the Stars tonight, I had a family approach me explaining an attempted burglary they were concerned about  that took place in the vicinity of East 5th and Lemon Street area.  The burglary which apparently happened last Saturday before midnight, was thwarted by the home owner.  The perpetrators ran of after being startled.

Kudos to the Media Police for being on top of this and explaining to residents in the area the nature of the incident shortly after it occurred.  It appears to have been an isolated incident, but people need to know about this.  If someone on my street was the victim of an attempted burglary, I'd want to know immediately.

I've raised this issue before, but when these things happen, people typically don't learn about them until the Mayor gives his police report.  Depending on which day it is, you might have to wait 30 days before you hear the details.  Media needs to do better!

With the current technology available, issues like these could be assessed and conveyed to the community in minutes.  A social media neighborhood watch, per se.

What's Media Borough doing about conveying this and should they?  That's a good question.

Verizon OUTAGE and sporadic service in Media

Local news sites are reporting Verizon service outages in Delaware County.  They are also being experienced here in Media.

No updates from Verizon on the nature of the problem or time it'll be resolved.   I'll post what I can as updates become available.

Outages experienced in Media

State Champs Media Little Leauge moves on to Eastern Regionals

Congrats to Media Little League (9/10 division) for winning the State Championship and moving on to the Eastern Regionals. That's a great achievement the community is quite proud of.  Keep up the great work and good luck in the next round!

Media Little League State Champs!

Gulf gas station to replace former Getty on Baltimore Pike

Former Getty station being upgraded to be a Gulf
The former site of the Getty gas station on Baltimore Pike, is in the process of being upgraded to another gas station.  Though the terminals and pumps are still being modified and not yet operational, the quickmart is open for business.  I was able to talk to the person behind the counter who said the site will become a Gulf gas station.

This site has been a gas station for decades.  In addition to a quickmart, this property also has a separate space that has been used in the past as BBQ take out, computer repair, etc.

With a proposed Super Wawa being a "wild card" to the dynamic of gasoline purchase and quick-mart shopping, it'll be interesting to see how things shake out.  This new Gulf station is across the street from a Dunkin' Donuts, which is beneficial, but also a block away from a Super Sunoco.  Should the Super Wawa be approved, Media could potentially have 3 gas stations within a 4 block radius.

Cleanup for new Gulf gas station.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Welcome to Media, Sassy Girl!

I saw what looked like an opening yesterday, but didn't get a chance to stop in and say hello and check the place out.  If you haven't heard or seen, Media has a new store on State Street that goes by the name Sassy Girl and is located where the former Clear Communications "Sphere" store was on the west end of town.  Clear communications who came to Media as a retail store selling broadband services, was only here for a year. Remember their marketing campaign with the people riding around on tri-cycles with crazy hair?

Anyway it's great to see Sassy Girl occupy this space.  Looks like they specialize in a wide selection of women's apparel.

It's Sunday 7-22-12 Media in Two Minutes

I'm back and trying to get up to speed on many developments over the last 10 days.  Evidently, there's been a lot of events here in town.

Ok, Let's GO!

Upper Providence BB shootings
I was flat out shocked to hear two incidents where people were seriously injured and taken to the hospital due to BB shots.  From what's been gathered, it appears to be kids in a gray car who have been brazen enough to shoot people at very close range.  One person shot in the neck, another in the eye.  I expect to have an update on this early next week.  

Unfortunately, the fall-out from this has people some what afraid to even venture out for fear of being attacked.  This is not only local news, but KYW/Philly reported on the story as well.

Trash cans and recycling bins at Media Little League field
As I stated a few weeks ago, I would personally look into this matter, and did; though haven't heard back to see if it's been rectified.  If there are still issues, let me know.

NOT So Super Wawa?
From people I've heard from close to this matter, it seems that Media Borough council is not too keen on this idea.  I don't know at what point this will become a show stopper for Wawa, but I sense frustration starting to increase.  I think more will be known about the direction on this at next month's borough council meeting.

Bastille Celebration and Car Show:
I wasn't here for either, but heard great things about both.  A few restaurants told me the car show really provided a bump in business, which is great to hear.  They attributed it to the draw of the show and the fact that booths weren't setup on State Street that tends to obstruct their businesses.

The $20,000 cold call Media fell for...and taxpayers will pay for!

If Mayor Bob McMahon and Media Borough Council are not paying attention enough to fall for a $20,000 cold call pitching 5 minutes of video, then this town really has to think hard about its current leadership.

Was Media starstruck for $20,000?
Back in June, as reported Media Patch, Mayor Bob McMahon was contacted by a producers from the 'Today in America' show, affiliated with the Discovery channel; that they were interested in filming a 5 minute segment on Media, PA.  Interest towards this offer led to two additional call with this group, with the Mayor stating during the June council meeting that a another conference call would be held Friday morning with the producers and members of borough council. From the article, the Mayor went on to state that the producers were under a deadline and had to move quickly.  

The urgency alone as emphasized by the shows producers should have sent red flags off everywhere.  For a company to manipulate this town into parting with $20,000 on their own terms and time frames is unacceptable.  Especially having been investigated by the Florida Attorney General and fined for the very same misleading conduct.

Any 14 year old with a cell phone could have found out the story behind this company in 15 minutes, but no one on council took the time to do so. Turns out the "pitch" by this group is well known and often used on unsuspecting towns and businesses.  I wasn't on the conference calls the borough had with this outfit, but based on numerous complaints from victims, the company's well known sales script probably went very similar to the following:

So now that Media Borough Council ratified the deal with this company for $20,000, we have essentially bought goods and services from a company that has a well documented history of taking advantage of unsuspecting towns.  What's worse is that this infomercial was bought with out going out to bid or even entertaining companies in town that could possibly do a better job for less.  Is that leadership you can trust?

Even with the Mayor and Borough Council having knowledge late last week of what this company was all about, they could have at least delayed the decision to solicit bids from local companies to get a baseline of the costs involved with such a project.  The Mayor and council failed to do even that and rushed to lock in a deal with "Today in America," which makes the whole situation even worse!  One has to ask, "what was the rush to do this?"

Even the New York Times found it important enought to report on the deceptive practices of this company, with one of the customer(victims) giving the following quote:

Quote from New York Times


Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Rose Tree Colts 2012 Season Registrtion - A lasting learning experience

Of all the sports I played, nothing taught me more about fortitude and hard work than the years I played football.  My career started with the Rose Tree Colts, which provide an excellent foundation of how the game was played, along with an important life lesson that proves:  If you get knocked down, get right back up.  

The legendary Rose Tree Colts have been around since 1955 and have extremely strong bonds with the community, families, coaches and players.  The organization draws some of the best coaching around, who know and teach the principles of teamwork, dedication, discipline and sportsmanship.  Cheerleading is a big part of this program too, and has been very successful in their competitions. Go, girls!

As a former player, it's great to see the Rose Tree Colts are still here providing football, life lessons and most importantly, fun. 

A great video on what it means to play football.

Upcoming events:
  • In person registration for football/cheerleading and equipment distribution is at the clubhouse - July 31, Aug 1st and 2nd from 6-8pm
  • First practice for all teams will be Aug 6th.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Borough Council approves deal to work with company investigated and fined for improper business conduct.

An investigation by the Florida Attorney General, nor multiple complaints by businesses and towns wasn't enough for Media to discontinue discussions with "Today in America" producers.  In fact, council elected to begin work with this group at a reported $19,800 for 5 minutes of video.

As America's first Fair Trade town, what kind of message does tonight's decision send about acceptance of unethical business practice of the company sited in the attorney general's report? Or that this "infomercial" wasn't even sent out to bid or local business considered in doing the filming?

Media was led to believe the this town was uniquely picked as a special place that  would be narrated by a well known celebrity, what it's getting is a costly, infrequently aired infomercial  from a company with a track record of misleading vulnerable towns and businesses.  Media has become the victim of a cleverly packaged sales pitch to people caught up in their own agendas.  

It's no wonder why no one has heard or seen this show before.....just look at the airing schedule.  No one would mistake this schedule as prime time hours.  I wonder if it'll even  be carried in the great Philadelphia viewing area where the target audience focus should be.  Do you really think people in places like Oklahoma City and Evansville will like this infomercial so much that they'll come specifically to Media?  

Did Media Borough council just spend ~$20k in taxpayer money on nothing more than Youtube videos?

Scheduling snippet

Borough Council shouldn't forget that Good Business Ethics Matter

I'm travelling abroad, but read in an article a few minutes ago that Mayor, Bob McMahon still feels that entering into an agreement with  "Today in America" is sound judgement and that the due diligence was appropriate.  Let's forget for a moment that $19,800 for 5 minutes of video is a rip-off and extremely unpopular with Media Taxpayers.

What I'd like to know is why does the Mayor and Media borough council feel we need this service so soon and with a shady corporation? Especially with a business that is currently being investigated by Florida Attorney General.  This isn't a show as people are led to believe it is, it's a paid for infomercial at best.  That being that the case, why wouldn't this go out to bid for someone local to shoot 5 minutes of video?    Did borough council and the mayor discuss with this company that they are being investigated?  What was there response?  Do you think anyone on borough council would allow for someone to work on their home, business, etc. if the knowingly knew the entity they were working with was being  investigated by state authorities?  I think the answer is no, so why is Media borough proceeding in this manner?

What happened to honest, integrity and business conduct when dealing with borough interest?  It's too bad the mayor thinks that glitz and glamour is more important that sound, ethical business practice.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Breaking News: Media Borough about to be scammed for $19,800 by TV Show!

TV show producers accused of fraud looking to charge Media $19,800!
Who's looking out for the best interests of Media?  Borough council isn't, and neither is Mayor Bob McMahon.  Turns out there are serious complaints and fines against the company that Media borough is enthusiastically looking to ratify a contract with on July 19th

The Florida Attorney General filed a case against this organization(which goes by many names), and towns across the country who got the same pitch Media did are also up in arms.  If borough council and the mayor were paying attention, someone could have at least taken 5 minutes to do a bit of due diligence in the best interest of the community. 

I've notified the RTM school board and Brandywine Convention and Visitors Bureau of these developments.   They both were being solicited by Media Borough and the mayor for funding towards this project.

Paragraph from the Florida Office of the Attorney General (click to enlarge)
(click to enlarge)

Complaints made against this company:

Nativity BVM closes doors and thanks community

To an otherwise unfortunate outcome, here is a well written letter to the Media Town Talk expressing the sorrow of the closing of a school that wasn't just in Media, but a big part of the community for 100 years.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Don't Miss: "Wednesday Evening at the Farm" presented by local historian, Keith Lockhart - July 18th

If you want to check out some old photos and pictures of Delaware County, or in particular Media; check out local historian Keith Lockhart's site at:  www.delawarecountyhistory.com

He'll also be doing a presentation a Ridley Creek State park on July 18th.  Check out below for details.

Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation
at Ridley Creek State Park 
Delaware County 100 Years Ago Through Postcards

On Wednesday, July 18 the Colonial Pennsylvania Plantation will offer its first ever “Wednesday Evening at the Farm” with a special presentation by local historian, Keith Lockhart. The gate opens at 6 PM, and visitors can bring their picnic dinner, blankets and chairs to enjoy a leisurely picnic before the evening’s offerings get underway. Food and drinks will also be available for purchase.

At 7 PM Lockhart will present a program featuring his prized collection of Delaware County postcards. Lockhart’s collection is considered the largest of its kind in the region. Take a trip through Delaware County 100 years ago when postcards were the rage! The program will take place in the Plantation’s colonial era wagon barn.

During the evening the Plantation farmhouse and the kitchen garden will be available for tours. Demonstrations taking place include textile making and long rifle firing. Of course, the Plantation’s farm animals will be around for viewing.

Closing time is 9 PM. Admission is $5 per person. Children under 4 are free.

The Plantation is located in Ridley Creek State Park and is easily reached via Routes 3, 352, 252 or Providence Road.

This is a weather permitting event. If the weather is uncertain, check the Plantation’s website at www.colonialplantation.org or call the Plantation office at 610 566-1725 and listen for the message

Who's looking out for the taxpayer? Media considering paying $4,000 per minute of video. Total cost ~$20,000!

Media considering $4,000 per minute of video
Media Patch reported today that Media Borough Council is moving forward with ratifying an agreement with Today in America (Discovery Channel) to film 5 minutes of video promoting Media in their upcoming show.  The 5 minutes of video comes at a cost of $19,800 that the borough will have to pay.

It's not only the worse deal I've ever heard of ($4,000 per minute of video), but I have already received complaints that taxpayers aren't happy about this either.  I'll provide a comprehensive update on this a later this week, but in the meantime, take the poll.

Monday, July 9, 2012

It's Monday (not Sunday) 7-9-12 - Media in Two Minutes!

Yes, you read that correctly,  the Sunday run-down happens to be on Monday this week.  The reason being, I'll be traveling a lot this month and my schedule hasn't been very conducive to sitting down for an hour to write a post.

Truthfully, I was going to give this week's "Media in Two Minutes" post the week off, but a few of you emailed wondering where it was.  So, although it's a day late, here it is......Let's Go!

Shopping carts left in the borough:
What immediately comes to mind is the recent sightings of shopping carts left around the borough.  I saw one again (third time) this week on Veteran's Square.  Not sure what's going on there, but it's now become the norm that a cart is left there, than the exception.  In addition, three ACME carts were left outside the Raven Hotel across the street in the empty lot.  I'm not sure why all the sudden this has become a problem, or if I've just taken more notice.

Super Wawa:
I don't expect much news on this item for the month of July, though things should start to pick up in August.  Interestingly, Edgmont is in a similar situation with a proposed Wawa in their township.  Media Town Talk covers the story and latest developments.

Trash cans and recycling bins at Media Little League field
A bit off topic, but I wanted to provide and update.  A few weeks ago there was a comment made that the Media Little League field was lacking trash cans and recycling bins.  I notified a few people about this to have something done.  I swung by this week and did see ample bins at the site.  Let me know if otherwise.

Third St. Bridge:
What I've termed as the the "controversial" Citizen's Advisory Committee has been quietly dissolved.  There was no  formal written statement about this, but was addressed at a recent council meeting.  Interesting timing here, as the CAC should have been utilized, especially now,  to provide input on the aesthetics for the agreed upon dam/bridge.

Bastille Celebration and Car Show:
Media has a big weekend coming up with the tremendously popular Bastille Day celebration hosted by the Media Arts Council.  A carnival of sorts that has something for every age group.  You can read more at the MAC website.

What I thought was Media's best event last year is back!  On July 15th, is the 5th Annual Car show held on State St. I won't be able to make either event, but look forward to the pictures.

Here's a video from last year's 2011 event.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Can your Iphone Help Media's Parking Problem?

Park Mobile website
Year after year people ask about what can be done to improve Media's parking situation.  With the popularity of Dining Under the Stars, State Street events and daily courthouse traffic, the problem has become more pronounced and perhaps more challenging.  Let's face it, there's only so many parking spaces for the inflow of cars and putting a parking garage at Olive and Front Street or adding another level to the current Olive St. garage would cost a lot of money, if it was ever approved.

This situation isn't unique to Media, as other localities face similar parking challenges.  However, what are they doing about it?  Well, during my travels this week, and looking for a place to park, I noticed a well lit sign that instructed drivers to download an app to pay for parking with their smart phone.  This didn't alleviate the immediate shortage of parking spaces, but much like real time traffic apps and Ezpass, this too could have great potential.

First, let me explain how the service works to the end-user.  The app is a free download that works on all the leading platforms (Iphone, Android, Blackberry).  As with these services, you'll have to link it to a debit/credit card and provide personal data along with your license plate number of your vehicle/s.  Once you enter an area that provides Park Mobile service (Media does not have this service), you'll enter a zone and parking space number to pay for parking.  The benefits to the user include a text message when time is running out and the ability to pay for additional time if needed.

The service is meant to provide simplicity and convenience for the end user.  I must admit, this would be easier for me to use than finding numerous quarters every time I wanted to park, whether in Media or else where.  One use in particular, which I know would be an immediate hit,  would be the Media train station.  But there is a bigger advantage to this system which lies in the vast amount of data that can be collected to better mitigate parking across the borough.

In 2011 Media borough collected approximately $70,000 in parking fines and over $400,000 in fees, but I bet no one could break down the density of the highest rate of where the infractions occurred, times the occurred, etc.  With a system like Park Mobile, the borough could gather invaluable information on where the popular spots are, how long people park there, what time of the day it's used and perhaps how much are people willing to pay.  Would people be willing to pay $1.00 an hour on State St., as opposed to $.50 on Front or Baker Streets?  How about a parking special of $.25 an hour at the Olive Street garage with a coupon to a local sponsoring business?  The scenarios are impressive and vast.  Parking enforcement and those who check the meters like it too!

Taken a step further, people could possibly see in realtime the parking situation on State St with recommendations on where to park instead.  This service can also be used for parking permits which are needed in various parts of the borough.